Sabtu, 29 November 2014

^^ PDF Download Colour Therapy for Love & Romance, by Rana Rochie

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Colour Therapy for Love & Romance, by Rana Rochie

Colour Therapy for Love & Romance, by Rana Rochie

Colour Therapy for Love & Romance, by Rana Rochie

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Colour Therapy for Love & Romance, by Rana Rochie

  • Sales Rank: #3395272 in eBooks
  • Published on: 2009-04-01
  • Released on: 2009-04-01
  • Format: Kindle eBook

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Jumat, 28 November 2014

~ PDF Ebook R Graphics Cookbook, by Winston Chang

PDF Ebook R Graphics Cookbook, by Winston Chang

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R Graphics Cookbook, by Winston Chang

R Graphics Cookbook, by Winston Chang

R Graphics Cookbook, by Winston Chang

PDF Ebook R Graphics Cookbook, by Winston Chang

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R Graphics Cookbook, by Winston Chang

This practical guide provides more than 150 recipes to help you generate high-quality graphs quickly, without having to comb through all the details of R’s graphing systems. Each recipe tackles a specific problem with a solution you can apply to your own project, and includes a discussion of how and why the recipe works.

Most of the recipes use the ggplot2 package, a powerful and flexible way to make graphs in R. If you have a basic understanding of the R language, you’re ready to get started.

  • Use R’s default graphics for quick exploration of data
  • Create a variety of bar graphs, line graphs, and scatter plots
  • Summarize data distributions with histograms, density curves, box plots, and other examples
  • Provide annotations to help viewers interpret data
  • Control the overall appearance of graphics
  • Render data groups alongside each other for easy comparison
  • Use colors in plots
  • Create network graphs, heat maps, and 3D scatter plots
  • Structure data for graphing

  • Sales Rank: #101435 in eBooks
  • Published on: 2012-12-06
  • Released on: 2012-12-05
  • Format: Kindle eBook Review
Q&A with Winston Chang, author of "R Graphics Cookbook: Practical Recipes for Visualizing Data"

Q. Why is your book timely?

A. Interest in R for data analysis and visualization has exploded in recent years. In the computer-tech world, computers and networks have made it much easier to gather and organize data, and more and more people have recognized that there's useful information to be found. To illustrate, consider the job "data scientist": this is a job title that didn't even exist five years ago, and now it's one of the hottest tickets on the market.

At the same time, there's been a swell of interest in R in its more traditional setting, in science and engineering. I think there are many reasons for this. One, is that there's a growing recognition outside of the computer-programmer world that learning a little programming can save you a lot of time and reduce errors. Another reason is that the last few years have seen an improvement in the user-friendliness of tools for using R.

So there's a lot of interest in using R for finding information in data, and visualization an essential tool for doing this. Data visualizations can help you understand your data and find patterns when you're in the exploratory phase of data analysis, and they are essential for communicating your findings to others.

Q. What information do you hope that readers of your book will walk away with?

A. As my book is a Cookbook, the primary goal is to efficiently present solutions for visualizing data, without demanding a large investment of time from the reader. For many readers, the goal is to just figure out how to make a particular type of graph and be done with it.

There are others who will want to gain a deeper understanding of how graphing works in R. For these readers, I've written an appendix on the graphing package ggplot2, which is used extensively in the recipes in the book. This appendix explains some of the concepts in the grammar of graphics, and how they relate to structures common to data visualizations in general.

Finally, I hope that readers will find ideas and inspiration for visualizing their data by browsing the pages and looking at the pictures.

Q. What's the most exciting/important thing happening in your space?

A. I'm excited that R is becoming more and more accessible to users who don't primarily identify as programmers. Many scientists, engineers, and data analysts have outgrown programs that provide canned data analysis routines, and they're turning increasingly to R. The growing popularity of R is part of a virtuous circle: as R gains a larger user base, it encourages people to create better educational materials and programming tools for R, which in turn helps to grow the number of R users.

Technology-wise, I'm excited by Shiny, which is a framework for bringing R analyses to the web. (I should mention that this it's part of my job to work on the development of Shiny.) This makes it possible to build interactive applications for data analysis and visualization for users who don't need to know R, or even that the application is backed by R.

About the Author

Winston Chang is a software engineer at RStudio, where he works on data visualization and software development tools for R. He holds a Ph.D. in Psychology from Northwestern University. During his time as a graduate student, he created a website called "Cookbook for R", which contains recipes for handling common tasks in R. In previous lives, he was a philosophy graduate student and a computer programmer.

Most helpful customer reviews

45 of 46 people found the following review helpful.
Treasure trove of graphing ideas and recipes
By Ravi Aranke
Even if you know R, learning to do graphs well in R is like learning (yet another) new language - that of ggplot2.

You could learn a new language by first studying its grammar and building some vocabulary. In that case, you might want to start with ggplot2 creator's book ggplot2: Elegant Graphics for Data Analysis (Use R!). That's an excellent book and that's where I started.

Still, there are many loose ends in my understanding of ggplot2 and sometimes I struggle to find the exact technique to achieve the effect I want. e.g. do I set fill or colour? What does grouping exactly do? How do I rearrange factors? How do I remove the legends and clean up the grid lines?

I am sure answers to all such questions could be found by googling and reading Hadley's original text carefully. However, the beauty of Winston Chang's book is that it has compiled tons of such examples in recipe format and is a huge time saver. Now this is my first stop reference, even before hitting google or stackoverflow.

Another advantage of the book is that all recipes are self contained and you could quickly pick up a technique or two in any 5 minute of break time. After immersing myself in enough examples during last week, I feel I am getting better hang of grammar of graphics (philosophy behind ggplot2).

By the way, if you have not read Hadley's book or tutorial, please read Appendix A before you dive in.

17 of 17 people found the following review helpful.
Great book
By Felipe Carrillo
Even though I am really familiar with ggplot2, plyr and reshape, Winston Chang have some great tricks manipulating data and creating awesome graphics that I had never seen before. The recipe format of this book is great for beginners and advanced users because one can get straight answers without having to read too much.

13 of 14 people found the following review helpful.
Actually, ggplot2 graphics cookbook
By Dimitri Shvorob
... "ggplot2" being a particular, fairly mature and popular R graphics package developed by Hadley Wickham, and described in his 2009 book "ggplot2: Elegant graphics for data analysis". Three years later, Winston Chang's accessible and inexpensive how-to book can push "ggplot2" into the mainstream. It is actually a different book, "R for Everyone" by Jared Lander, that brought me over the fence separating "old school" R graphics and "ggplot2" - it's a pity that, talking about a "syntax" of graphics, neither "ggplot2"-focused book manages to be textbook-systematic about it, and the reader has to pick up the general points as they go through examples - but once I am here, "R Graphics Cookbook" is a necessity.

UPD. With the benefit of a little more life experience, I would say: don't spend your time on *any* R book. Python is the way to go.

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Selasa, 25 November 2014

> Ebook The Book of Five Rings (Shambhala Library), by Miyamoto Musashi

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The Book of Five Rings (Shambhala Library), by Miyamoto Musashi

The Book of Five Rings (Shambhala Library), by Miyamoto Musashi

The Book of Five Rings (Shambhala Library), by Miyamoto Musashi

Ebook The Book of Five Rings (Shambhala Library), by Miyamoto Musashi

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The Book of Five Rings (Shambhala Library), by Miyamoto Musashi

Book of Five Rings

is one of the most insightful texts on the subtle arts of confrontation and
victory to emerge from Asian culture. Written not only for martial artists but
for anyone who wants to apply the timeless principles of this text to their
life, the book analyzes the process of struggle and mastery over conflict that
underlies every level of human interaction.

Book of Five Rings

was composed in 1643 by the famed duelist and undefeated samurai Miyamoto
Musashi. Thomas Cleary's translation is immediately accessible, with an
introduction that presents the spiritual background of the warrior tradition.
Along with Musashi's text, Cleary translates here another important Japanese
classic on leadership and strategy,

The Book of Family Traditions on the Art of War

by Yagyu Munenori, which highlights the ethical and spiritual insights of
Taoism and Zen as they apply to the way of the warrior.

  • Sales Rank: #81002 in eBooks
  • Published on: 2011-07-22
  • Released on: 2011-07-22
  • Format: Kindle eBook Review
To learn a Japanese martial art is to learn Zen, and although you can't do so simply by reading a book, it sure does help--especially if that book is The Book of Five Rings. One of Japan's great samurai sword masters penned in decisive, unfaltering terms this certain path to victory, and like Sun Tzu's The Art of War it is applicable not only on the battlefield but also in all forms of competition. Always observant, creating confusion, striking at vulnerabilities--these are some of the basic principles. Going deeper, we find suki, the interval of vulnerability, of indecisiveness, of rest, the briefest but most vital moment to strike. In succinct detail, Miyamoto records ideal postures, blows, and psychological tactics to put the enemy off guard and open the way for attack. Most important of all is Miyamoto's concept of rhythm, how all things are in harmony, and that by working with the rhythm of a situation we can turn it to our advantage with little effort. But like Zen, this requires one task above all else, putting the book down and going out to practice. --Brian Bruya

From Library Journal
Written by legendary Japanese swordsman Musashi, this 17th-century exposition of sword-fighting strategy and Zen philosophy has been embraced by many contemporary readers, especially business school students, as a manual on how to succeed in life. There are many English translations, but every one, including this one, suffers from inadequate cultural, literary, and philosophical commentary. Musashi's work should be studied, not simply read, and Cleary's translation lacks commentary; it also makes the prose seems flat and the philosophy simplistic. Yet what makes this new translation worthwhile is the second text, buried deep in the back like an appendix: Yagyu Munenori's The Book of Family Traditions on the Art of War. This text, also an exposition on sword fighting and Zen philosophy, is difficult to find in an English translation, and its availability is welcome. Recommended for academic libraries generally.
- Glenn Masuchika, Chaminade Univ. Lib., Honolulu
Copyright 1993 Reed Business Information, Inc.

"Embraced by many contemporary readers as a manual on how to succeed in life."— Library Journal

Most helpful customer reviews

319 of 326 people found the following review helpful.
Best translation available
By D. Thomas
I have studied this book for years, and have read five different translations. The William Scott Wilson translation is by far the best. I always get the feeling that other translators are putting too much of themselves or their ideas about what Musashi is saying into the translations. Wilson's translation is clear and concise and yet does not feel filtered.

Here is a passage from the Thomas Cleary translation "Upset happens in all sorts of things. One way it happens is through a feeling of being under acute pressure. Another is through a feeling of unreasonable strain. A third is through a feeling of surprise at the unexpected."

Here is the same passage translated by Wilson "There are many kinds of agitation. One is a feeling of danger, a second is a feeling that something is beyond your capability and a third is a feeling of the unexpected. This should be investigated thoroughly."

They say the same thing, but Wilson is clearer.

As for the book itself, it is a classic masterpiece that describes not only a style of swordsmanship, but a way of living.

222 of 240 people found the following review helpful.
Some comments on the philosophy
By magellan
As others have already written very complete reviews, I just had a few miscellaneous comments, mostly on how to understand Musashi's seemingly paradoxical ideas about technique.

This has become a legendary book. Written by the famous swordsman, sometimes referred to in the west as "The Lone Ranger of Japan," Musashi claimed to have been in over 60 sword battles, triumphing each time, so it's no wonder Musashi's name has become legendary in both Japan and the west.

The book sets out Musashi's philosophy and correct Way of the Sword. But the principles Musashi espouses are bound to sound perplexing to many people. Musashi says that the best stance is no stance, that too much strength is bad (your sword may shatter when clashing swords), and that even too much speed is bad (it may upset your balance), and that none of these are the true Way of the Sword. The best technique is, in fact, no technique.

This sort of philosophy is bound to be more than a little confusing, so I'll see if I can clarify it a little. I'm not sure I understand Musashi either, although I've studied martial arts for many years and have read my share of eastern philosophy, but I'll give you my ideas on how I relate to them just in case you find them useful.

Basically what Musashi is saying is that once you've learned a technique and committed it to memory and especially "muscle memory," it becomes fixed and is no longer adaptive. Your body becomes channalized into this form or technique, which then becomes limiting, preventing you from achieving true mastery, which is the ability to adapt and flow with any of the infinite number of situations you may encounter. Fixity is therefore dysfunctional and is not the true Way of the Sword. This might be what Musashi means when he speaks of the Way of Emptiness being his way and the true Way of the Sword. In other words, his technique is no technique because it is empty of all fixed, unchangeable, and unadaptive aspects.

There is an analogous principle in Zen. In Zen, the highest level of technique is called "the technique that can't be seen." This doesn't mean that the technique is so fast it's invisible. It's that the technique is so advanced and subtle that its principles aren't obvious and easily seen. Musashi's ideas seem to reflect this Zen Buddhist principle also.

Interestingly enough, this idea has some support from western research into learning and the brain. In learning theory, there is the idea of "stereotyping," (which has nothing to do with social or racial stereotypes), where motor movements that have been learned become fixed into a certain sequence or pattern, but which is not necessarily the most efficient or effective. My learning theory instructor used the example of shaving strokes. He realized after some years that he always did his shaving strokes in the same way, after having learned how to do them, but that they weren't necessarily the best way to shave, anymore. Now that he'd been shaving for years, he "re-engineered" his shaving strokes so that they were more efficient.

This may apply to the martial arts too. After we've learned a certain movement and achieved a certain level of skill with it, we may become complacent and never go back and question the movement again. All because we believe we've achieved a level of "skill." I notice Paul Vunak, an important martial artist in Bruce Lee's Jeet Kune Do and the Filipino martial arts, also emphasizes the learning of principles rather than "technique," and specifically mentions this in his seminars. The idea is that once one has learned the principle behind the technique, one can do an infinite number of those techniques, depending on the situation.

Another interesting physiological principle that is almost as paradoxical as Musashi's ideas has been found by western science. There is a phenomenon in neuromuscular physiology known as reciprocal inhibition of flexor-extensor pairs. This means that during muscle activity the opposing muscle tension is inhibited to reduce effort on the flexing muscle. So if you're trying to do a straight punch, the tricep tenses and the bicep relaxes, thus reducing resistance. The paradoxical aspect arises from the fact that by performing a small jerk backwards in the opposite direction to the punch the outward extensor motion can be speeded up. In kinesiology they refer to this as a "pliometric jerk," and is how basketball players jump higher. But it also has equal application to the martial arts, and I've had good results using this to get more speed and snap in my own techniques and for my students.

Anyway, I just thought I'd offer a few suggestions from my own experience on Musashi's book, although I can't say I fully understand it either. But I hope you find them helpful in some small way in your own understanding and training.

117 of 125 people found the following review helpful.
Bonus Material Not Found in Other Translations
By Swing King
This classic text deals with the delicate art of leadership, and was composed originally in 1643 by the famous samurai Miyamoto Musashi. But this book isn't just for those involved in the martial arts, as the previous reviewer suggests, no far from it; it's for anyone who wants to enjoy the neverending wisdom contained within this text. Thomas Cleary's translation of Miyamoto's masterpiece is comprehensible, with an introduction that presents us readers with the spiritual backdrop of the warrior tradition that is vital for the rest that proceeds. This most up-to-date edition also embraces one more important Japanese text - "The Book of Family Traditions on the Art of War" by Yagyu Munenori; here the book highlights insights of Zen and Taoism as they pertain to the way and life of the warrior. Enjoy the book! Cleary is a terrific translator.

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> Ebook The Book of Five Rings (Shambhala Library), by Miyamoto Musashi Doc

Senin, 24 November 2014

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The Washington State Constitution (Oxford Commentaries on the State Constitutions of the United States), by Robert F. Utter, Hugh D. Spitz

The Washington State Constitution provides an outstanding constitutional and historical account of the states governing charter. In addition to an overview of Washingtons constitutional history, it provides an in-depth, section-by-section analysis of the entire constitution, detailing the many significant changes that have been made since its initial drafting. This treatment, along with a table of cases, index, and bibliography provides an unsurpassed reference guide for students, scholars, and practitioners of Washingtons constitution. Previously published by Greenwood, this title has been brought back in to circulation by Oxford University Press with new verve. Previously published by Greenwood, this title has been brought back in to circulation by Oxford University Press with new verve. Re-printed with standardization of content organization in order to facilitate research across the series, this title, as with all titles in the series, is set to join the dynamic revision cycle of The Oxford Commentaries on the State Constitutions of the United States. The Oxford Commentaries on the State Constitutions of the United States is an important series that reflects a renewed international interest in constitutional history and provides expert insight into each of the 50 state constitutions. Each volume in this innovative series contains a historical overview of the states constitutional development, a section-by-section analysis of its current constitution, and a comprehensive guide to further research. Under the expert editorship of Professor G. Alan Tarr, Director of the Center on State Constitutional Studies at Rutgers University, this series provides essential reference tools for understanding state constitutional law. Books in the series can be purchased individually or as part of a complete set, giving readers unmatched access to these important political documents.

  • Sales Rank: #2877883 in eBooks
  • Published on: 2011-03-22
  • Released on: 2011-03-22
  • Format: Kindle eBook

About the Author

Robert F. Utter served on the Washington State Supreme Court from 1971 to 1995, and was Chief Justice between 1979 and 1981. Prior to joining the State Supreme Court, Justice Utter was a deputy prosecuting attorney and court commissioner. He also taught state constitutional law at the University of Puget Sound School of Law (now Seattle University School of Law).

Hugh D. Spitzer is an Affiliate Professor of Law at the University of Washington School of Law, where he teaches state constitutional law and other courses. He also practices public finance and state and local government law in Seattle with Foster Pepper & Shefelman PLLC.

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Short Haul Engine, by Karen Solie

Winner of the 2002 Dorothy Livesay Award for Poetry (BC Book Prizes), shortlisted for the 2002 Griffin Poetry Prize, the 2002 Gerald Lampert Award for first book and longlisted for the 2002 ReLit Awards.

Karen Solie takes risks with perception and language, risks that pay off in such startling ways that it’s hard to believe this is a first book. Short Haul Engine is one great twist of fate and fury after another. The writing is clear, striking and open to all sorts of possibilities. Even at their most playful, these poems dive much deeper than initially expected. There’s a remarkably dark sense of humour at work here, but tempered with a haunting vulnerability that makes even the sharpest lines tremble.

  • Sales Rank: #1800601 in eBooks
  • Published on: 2001-09-15
  • Released on: 2001-09-15
  • Format: Kindle eBook


"There is toughness here, as well as grace. Often in her pages we encounter wisdom of a severity that we would almost rather not know. A cold person is a different species; there is a dismal companionship in grief, the water stays in the fish, even when the fish is out of water. Short Haul Engine is not just an exceptional debut, it is an exceptional book."--from the Judge's Citation, Griffin Poetry Prize, 2002

"Solie's voice is polished and original ... An enviable, accomplished collection."--Lynn Crosbie, The Globe and Mail

"Karen Solie's work reminds me that at the heart of metaphor there is a deep, amoral joy ... "--Don McKay, Introductions ... Poets Present Poets (Fitzhenry and Whiteside)

About the Author

Karen Solie was born in Moose Jaw and grew up on the family farm in southwest Saskatchewan. Over the years, she has worked as a farm hand, an espresso jerk, a groundskeeper, a newspaper reporter/photographer, an academic research assistant, and, presently, an English teacher. Her poetry, fiction, and non-fiction have appeared in numerous North American journals, including The Fiddlehead, The Malahat Review, Event, Indiana Review, ARC, Other Voices, and The Capilano Review. She has also had her poetry published in the anthologies Breathing Fire (Harbour, 1995), Hammer and Tongs (Smoking Lung, 1999) and Introductions: Poets Present Poets (Fitzhenry & Whiteside, 2001) where her work is presented by Don McKay. One of her short stories is featured in The Journey Prize Anthology 12. She currently lives in Victoria, BC.

Most helpful customer reviews

0 of 0 people found the following review helpful.
'our bar tabs lengthen into parables'
By Simon Barrett 'Il Penseroso'
The first para of my review of Modern and Normal covers this book, which I read closely having been excited by the later work. Now, reading it again after reading her latest, Pigeon, that wry self-deprecating humour comes through more clearly

She's made some bad investments

smoke makes for a striking twilight

They need help, but I'm already aging
fast enough

- this last not as heartless as it sounds. Her trouble is that she does feel compassion, along with - doesn't everyone? - helplessness. She is present and yet not present; she is honest even in recognising her own duplicity. Not much escapes her steely gaze. Read her

0 of 0 people found the following review helpful.
One of Canada's Finest Poets
By Linda Johnsen
Karen Solie struts her stuff in this early volume of her work. You can already tell she's a genius.

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Joy of Gardening, by Dick Raymond

Full of useful tips and practical garden wisdom, this straightforward guide shows you everything you need to know to grow a more bountiful harvest with less work. Stressing the utility of raised beds and wide rows, gardening expert Dick Raymond shares his time-tested techniques for preparing the soil, starting plants, and controlling weeds. With helpful photographs, clear charts, and profiles of reliable garden vegetables, Joy of Gardening will inspire you to grow your best crop ever.

  • Sales Rank: #817377 in eBooks
  • Published on: 2012-12-10
  • Released on: 2012-12-10
  • Format: Kindle eBook

From the Back Cover

Garden Way's Joy of Gardening can show anyone, anywhere, how to turn any patch of ground into a lush, bountiful vegetables garden.


With Dick Raymond's help, you will


- Double your harvest with wide rows. Less weeding, too.

- Solve soil problems forever. His secrets will work anywhere.

- Get your earliest and healthiest tomatoes. Use his trench-planting technique.

- Harvest the sweetest melons. Use tin cans for sweeter melons that ripen faster.


The companion to the television series of the same name, Garden Way's Joy of Gardening contains the best of Dick Raymond's vegetable gardening wisdom -- his proven methods for raised beds, wide rows, and other techniques that promise a bigger harvest with less work.


Full-color photographs and illustrations, and at-a-glance charts, make Dick's proven methods accessible to any gardener, beginner or seasoned expert.

About the Author
Most gardeners are grateful that internationally known garden expert Dick Raymond has compiled the vast knowledge shared in his popular Garden Way television program, Joy of Gardening, into book form. He's also written Down-to-Earth Gardening Know-How for the 90's, among other books. Dick was head vegetable gardening specialist at Garden Way Gardens in Vermont for 15 years where the Joy of Gardening television series was filmed. He also gardened and cared for plots in Texas, Florida, Georgia, and on the West Coast for Garden Way. Over 40 years of hands-on experience have made Dick a very respected gardener and teacher.

Most helpful customer reviews

63 of 65 people found the following review helpful.
I like the way this man handles his rake
Some books are like gold-bearing ore--you have to sift tons of words to find a few nuggets. This book has nuggets on nearly every page. And unlike some authors, Raymond is open-minded to the various gardening methods and has tried them. Even better, he has worked in different soils in different parts of the country. And he is innovative.
I am not a fan of tillers and I am biased against chemicals, so Raymond had to overcome my initial skepticism. He did. While he extols the use of his tiller [he has a long relationship with Troy-Bilt, owned by Garden Way, publishers of this book], he also shows how to garden without one. And in most cases he offers organic alternatives to chemical fertilizers and pesticides. Furthermore, he started out on a farm, paid for his first home with a garden and roadside stand, has appeared in food production documentaries and has given gardening classes throughout the country, face-to-face and on radio and television.
I do not agree with all he writes, nor is he inclusive of all gardening methods, for instance Fukuoka's no-till, Steiner's biodynamics or Mollison's permaculture. But in gardening, the proof is in the eating and it is clear that Dick Raymond eats very well. Beginning, mid-field and advanced gardeners alike will learn valuable techniques for soil enrichment, bed-building, seed-growing, transplanting, spacing, weed-killing and insect-handling. He is excellent on green manure crops, seeding and harvesting. I was especially taken with his Eternal Yield experimental plots, where he imports only seeds and lime but has improved yields and soil over a ten-year period. "My goal was to plant different sequences of green manure crops to see if they alone could provide all the nutrients food crops need. My guidelines were simple: don't add any fertilizer, compost, or manures to the soil. As for organic matter, till under only the crops that grow on the plot. Do not bring in any outside material--no leaves, no mulch, nothing."
This is the best-illustrated gardening book I have found. Hundreds of color photos and drawings on high-quality paper illustrate every lesson. All popular plants are given their own coverage including gourds, peanuts and sunflowers. In the section on pests I learned a technique I am eager to try on the mole army here--sticking pieces of blackberry canes into the runways. There is an insect pest section as well as one on diseases. An eight-page planting guide supplements and synopsizes earlier coverage, there are maps on first- and last-expected frost dates. The index is small but adequate.
Should your budget allow only one gardening book, this is as good as you can do.

41 of 41 people found the following review helpful.
My Gardening Bible
By Jennifer
I never gardened until I moved to Vermont a few years back. As a city slicker I was amazed a little seed in some dirt could amount to anything. I got a few gardening books to help me, but this one handed to me by my mother-in-law was the very best (I found the others, especially "Gardening for Dummies" a waste of money). Dick's book is filled with photos of just about any run-of-the-mill vegetable (such as the tomato) as well as the more exotic (like my favorite, the brussels sprout). With clear and easy to follow directions and photos, Dick guides you through the process of growing any vegetable successfully. My second season of gardening I had an incredible bounty of tomatoes as my fellow gardeners' tomatoes were hit by blight - I just followed Dick's suggestions for planting and mulching. With the help of this book, I became a somewhat comfortable organic vegetable gardener. I just bought it for a friend on the West Coast as a housewarming gift - he plans to plant his first garden ever, and as he spoke, I just knew this book would help him.
The only caveats I would add are: 1) I did not find much success with his seed-scattering method. For some veggies, he suggests using a wide row and putting seeds in a salt shaker to scatter and over-sow, and then raking through to thin the young sprouts. I did find his wide-row method helpful for planting more in a smaller area, but I found I had to plot out where things would go. 2) This is a book for organic vegetable gardening. If you are interested in commercial pesticides or primarily in flower-gardening, this book is not for you.
Good luck & happy planting!

20 of 21 people found the following review helpful.
Breaks the Mold of Traditional Gardening
By A Customer
My parents gave me this book when it first came out. I'd already been rasing vegetables for over 20 years and considered myself somewhat of an expert. This book provides a lot of great ideas which I have never seen elsewhere. These include techniques for weed control, getting the earliest crops, getting the most out of available space, and expecially for reducing labor. And they work! I've had a 30 by 40 foot garden for years which has provided my family (of 7) with good eating in season and plenty for canning and freezing. This year, I'm going to use all my available space (about 50 by 80). I fully expect to raise enough to keep the family in veggies for most of the year. Whether you're a novice or an 'expert', you can benefit big time. The Joy of Gardening is far and away my number one reference. Nothing else comes close.

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The Gnostic Bible: Revised and Expanded EditionFrom Shambhala Publications

was a wide-ranging religious movement of the first millennium CE—with earlier
antecedents and later flourishings—whose adherents sought salvation through
knowledge and personal religious experience. Gnostic writings offer striking
perspectives on both early Christian and non-Christian thought. For example,
some gnostic texts suggest that god should be celebrated as both mother and
father, and that self-knowledge is the supreme path to the divine. Only in the
past fifty years has it become clear how far the gnostic influence spread in
ancient and medieval religions—and what a marvelous body of scriptures it

The selections gathered here, in poetic,
readable translation, represent Jewish, Christian, Hermetic, Mandaean,
Manichaean, Islamic, and Cathar expressions of gnostic spirituality. Their
regions of origin include Egypt, the Greco-Roman world, the Middle East, Syria,
Iraq, China, and France. Also included are introductions, notes, an extensive
glossary, and a wealth of suggestions for further reading.

  • Sales Rank: #96837 in eBooks
  • Published on: 2011-10-18
  • Released on: 2011-10-18
  • Format: Kindle eBook

"This book may well be the most comprehensive collection of gnostic materials ever gathered in one volume. What is clear from the sourcebook is the tremendous diversity of thought that exists under the 'gnostic' umbrella including Christian, Jewish, Muslim, Pagan, Zoroastrian, and Greco-Roman themes. A valuable resource for students and scholars."—Publishers Weekly

“The selection of texts ranges across two millennia and various cultures.  Each work, some translated into English for the first time, is accompanied by a clear introduction and synopsis.  This is an important sampler of relatively unknown spiritual literature.”—Library Journal

“To read The Gnostic Bible is to witness something astonishing. . . . I read it with dizzy excitement.”—Ian Cant, Ascent Magazine

“A Godsend for anyone interested in alternative Christianity, the history of Christianity, or spirituality in general.”—Turk’s Head Review

"An enormously rich collection of sources—a wonderful achievement!"—Elaine Pagels, author of The Gnostic Gospels and Beyond Belief

"Willis Barnstone and Marvin Meyer's Gnostic Bible joins Bentley Layton's Gnostic Scriptures as one of the true critical sourcebooks for gnostic texts. Here, from China to Catalonia, from the first to the fourteenth centuries, gnosticism is seen as a global meditation."—Harold Bloom, author of Genius: A Mosaic, Hamlet: Poem Unlimited, and The Western Canon

“I feel as if I had been waiting for this book all my life.”—Carolyn Kizer, Pulitzer Prize-winning poet

“Everyone interested in the tumultuous origins of Christianity and in a mysticism of direct, unmediated communion with God should fall on this brilliant and ground-breaking book.  In it, for the first time, are assembled all the major texts of gnosticism, with illuminating notes and introductions, and in translations that radiate clarity.”—Andrew Harvey, author of Sun at Midnight, Son of Man, and The Direct Path

“These ancient texts have not lost any of their power to awaken higher consciousness.  Seekers of knowledge owe an enormous debt to Barnstone and Meyer for presenting these works to us in a fresh, clear, and accessible form.”—Richard Smoley, author of Inner Christianity: A Guide to the Esoteric Tradition

“In this wonderfully readable anthology the authors have brought together a large number of interesting selections from a wide chronological, geographical, and cultural range of traditions that nevertheless illustrate fascinating overlapping patterns in religious symbolism and worldviews.”—Michael Williams, author of Rethinking Gnosticism

“These two wise men have written an amazing book—the best of its kind, ever.  They bear lit matches in our dark tunnel—sometimes they are the matches themselves.”—Gerald Stern, author of American Sonnets and What I Can’t Bear Losing

About the Author
Willis Barnstone, born in Lewiston, Maine, and educated at Bowdoin, the Sorbonne, Columbia and Yale, taught in Greece at end of civil war (1949-51), in Buenos Aires during the Dirty War, and in China during Cultural Revolution, where he was later a Fulbright Professor in Beijing (1984-85). Former O'Connor Professor of Greek at Colgate University, he is Distinguished Professor Emeritus of Comparative Literature at Indiana University. A Guggenheim fellow, he has received the NEA, NEH, Emily Dickinson Award of the PSA, Auden Award of NY Council on the Arts, Midland Authors Award, four Book of the Month selections, four Pulitzer nominations, and Lanner Poetry Award for BORDER OF A DREAM: THE POEMS OF ANTONIO MACHADO (Copper Canyon). His work has appeared in APR, Harper's, NYRB, Paris Review, Poetry, and the New Yorker. Author of seventy books, recent volumes are Poetics of Translation (Yale, 1995), The Gnostic Bible (Shambhala, 2003), Life Watch (BOA, 2003), BORDER OF A DREAM: SELECTED POEMS OF ANTONIO MACHADO (2004), Restored New Testament (Norton, 2009), Stickball on 88th Street (Red Hen Press, 2011), Dawn Cafe in Paris (Sheep Meadow, 2011), The Poems of Jesus Christ (Norton, 2012), ABC of Translation (Black Widow Press, 2013), Borges at Eighty (New Directions Press, 2013), and MOONBOOK AND SUNBOOK: POEMS (Tupelo Press, 2014).

Marvin Meyer is one of the "foremost" scholars on early Christianity and texts about Jesus outside the New Testament. He is Griset Professor of Bible and Christian Studies at Chapman University in Orange, California. Among his recent books are "The Gospel of Judas", "The Gnostic Gospels of Jesus", "The Gospels of Mary", "The Gospel of Thomas", and "The Nag Hammadi Scriptures".

Most helpful customer reviews

105 of 107 people found the following review helpful.
An eye opener.
By Jessy Corrales
I was reading samples of the book on Google Books (available only as a preview) and I was surprised by many of the things that were not included in the Bible. But more importantly, I was surprised by certain details that were in front of me the whole time but didn't notice. After viewing the samples on Google Books, I decided to order the book to get more in-depth details. It is because of this book and others like it that profoundly changed my life and my view of the world around me and within me.

Originally, I was born and raised a Catholic. But after seriously reading the details about the Gnostic Gospels and reviewed the traditional Orthodox Christian bible that I had with me, I came to the realization that I was better off being a Gnostic because much of what I was taught as a Catholic made no sense. Even though Gnostic beliefs share their roots with Christian beliefs as well, how they interpreted the word of Yeshua and the words of Jehovah helped provide the second side of the coin that I was looking for all my life. Reading this even helped fill in holes in the stories as described in the modern-day Christian Bible.

137 of 142 people found the following review helpful.
"The Gnostic Bible, Call It : What Was Left Out Of The Bible".
By M. Mariba
This is the most comprehensive collection of Jewish (e.g. Book of Baruch by Justin), Christian (e.g. Songs Of Pearl), Hermetic, Mandaean, Manichaean (Mani's incomplete works, but still great works. You will be amazed by Mani's 'similarities' with Jesus & at some point he was quite very popular!), Zoroastrian, Pagan, Gnostic Gospels (e.g. Gospel of John, Gospel Of Thomas, Gospel Of Mary Magdalene, Gospel Of Philip, etc), other Nag Hammadi Books (e.g. On The Origin Of The World, The Letter Of Peter To Philip, etc), Islamic & Cathar books all in one volume by far. These various books span from the first century & some are being translated here into English for the first time! Professors Willis Barnstone & Marvin Meyer do make a very strong case and convincing argument that "The Gospel Of John" differs significantly from the Gospels of Mark, Luke & Matthew [In its framework, individual episodes it relates to & particularly in the way it represents the voice of Jesus] and hence its inclusion in "Gnostic Bible". This is an eye opener book on the great variety of religious views & theology : translated in English with extensive helpful introductions (who wrote the book or gospel, when was it written & under what circumstances was it written), very informative footnotes & interpretations of these different books! Tit for tat attacks against each other in the Gnostic Gospels is also very interesting (Cathars against the sacrament of Eucharist, 'the doubting Thomas' in Synoptic Gospels against Jesus's 'twin brother' in Gospel of Thomas writing the Gospel, etc) [putting a human face in the whole religion thing!]. The afterword section is also quite excellent : professors Willis Barnstone & Marvin Meyer summarize the variety of religion & theology contained in books in the "Gnostic Gospels", their perspectives & differences that they have. They also indicate that some groups e.g. Cathars. & Mandaeans have been misunderstood for a very long time. This is a highly recommended resource on ancient wisdom, Jewish, Christian, Gnostic, Islamic & much more books/religions in one compilation of a very high standard aimed at the general public! A must buy resource if you are interested in "The Nag Hammadi Library", "Gnostic Gospels", "Islamic", "Pagan" & much more religions that did not make it into the Old Testament (Jewish/Torah), New Testament (Gnostic Gospels) & much much more!

77 of 80 people found the following review helpful.
Excellent translations of several important Gnostic texts.
By MrBrown
It is a massive collection so I have not read it all yet, but I have a VERY positive impression so far! The translation is far more readable than other versions I have looked at, and this is an excellent collection. For anyone who has a serious interest in Gnosticism, I'd say this should be at the top of your reading list. It's one thing to read Elaine Pagels, or Bart Ehrman for a scholarly analysis or to read Stephan Hoeller or Timothy Freke for a contemporary approach to an ancient tradition, but at some point, if you're serious about understanding Gnosticism, you need to go directly to the source and read the Gnostic scriptures for yourself. Compared to the other major collections and translations I've seen, this is the best on both counts. I've never seen another collection with this many Gnostic texts from so many sources, and I've never seen a translation that's such a pleasure to read.

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The Gnostic Bible: Revised and Expanded EditionFrom Shambhala Publications PDF
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! Download The Gnostic Bible: Revised and Expanded EditionFrom Shambhala Publications Doc
! Download The Gnostic Bible: Revised and Expanded EditionFrom Shambhala Publications Doc

^^ PDF Download Timber Frame Construction: All About Post-and-Beam Building, by Jack A. Sobon, Roger Schroeder

PDF Download Timber Frame Construction: All About Post-and-Beam Building, by Jack A. Sobon, Roger Schroeder

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Timber Frame Construction: All About Post-and-Beam Building, by Jack A. Sobon, Roger Schroeder

Timber Frame Construction: All About Post-and-Beam Building, by Jack A. Sobon, Roger Schroeder

Timber Frame Construction: All About Post-and-Beam Building, by Jack A. Sobon, Roger Schroeder

PDF Download Timber Frame Construction: All About Post-and-Beam Building, by Jack A. Sobon, Roger Schroeder

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Timber Frame Construction: All About Post-and-Beam Building, by Jack A. Sobon, Roger Schroeder

Discover the satisfaction of making your own durable, economical, and environmentally friendly timber frame structures. Covering all aspects of timber frame construction, this practical guide is filled with easy-to-understand instructions, clear illustrations, and helpful photographs. With expert advice on selecting appropriate timber, necessary tools, safety considerations, joinery techniques, assembly, and raising, Jack Sobon and Roger Schroeder encourage beginners by offering complete plans for a small toolshed. Turn your dream of a timber frame house into a reality.  

  • Sales Rank: #162145 in eBooks
  • Published on: 2012-12-10
  • Released on: 2012-12-10
  • Format: Kindle eBook


“If you’ve ever dreamed about building with timbers, this book will convince you that this method is not only beautiful and practical, but often less expensive than “stick building.”  Includes dozens of illustrations and photos.” – Countryside & Small Stock Journal


From the Back Cover

If you have only dreamed about the beauty of building with timbers, this book will open your eyes. It will convince you that this method is not only practical today for homes and other buildings, but often is less expensive than "stick building."

Timber frame builder Jack Sobon and writer Roger Schroeder offer a book for builders as well as those wishing to have the work done for them. Here is practical how-to for both beginners and experienced carpenters who want to try this method. It offers:


- The basics of timber framing.

- How to design for strength and beauty.

- How to combine modern tools and time-tested methods.

- A starter project: How to build a 12 x 16 garden toolshed.

- Dozens of illustrations and photos that make it all easy to understand.

About the Author
Jack A. Sobon is a self-employed architect and builder of timber-framed structures. He holds a bachelor of architecture degree from the Rhode Island School of design and has worked on barn moving and restoration. Together with Roger Schroeder, Sobon co-wrote Build a Classic Timber-Framed House, which is now in its twelfth printing, with nearly 50,000 copies in print.

Most helpful customer reviews

57 of 58 people found the following review helpful.
Off to a good Start.
" Timber Frame Construction " provides a good basis of knowledge for the expeirenced builder intrested in learning post and beam joinery , from the history of the craft to tools and joints. I found the book a valuable source for my project.
On the down side I could have used more explanation on what joints to use, the best cutting sequence and a greater description of where not to use them.
Overall though I recommend it.

74 of 77 people found the following review helpful.
The best place to start
By A Customer
I have bought probably 10 books on timber framing and ended up building my own 2000 sf timber frame barn. I went back to this book more than any other becasue it covers the basics so well.
If you're looking to attempt a fairly straightforward project without any real complex joints or design, this is probably the only book you'll ever need - a great primer and a great basic reference.

33 of 34 people found the following review helpful.
Linchpin for starting a timber frame project
By Timber Framer Apprentice
This book is a sound investment for anyone interested in building a timber frame structure. I had no experience building with wood prior to deciding to build a small timber frame cabin in Maine. I spoke to several timber framers and they all suggested I purchase this book as a reference manual for my cabin project. Mr. John Sweet of Sweet Timber Frames had a copy that was so worn from use that I knew it must be a good reference. Every phase of building the cabin has had its challenges; this book has made what would have been an impossible job an attainable dream. I highly recommend this book to anyone thinking about building a timber frame structure. Thanks to Mr. Sweet for recommending it.

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Sabtu, 22 November 2014

^ PDF Ebook District Laboratory Practice in Tropical Countries, Part 1: Pt. 1, by Monica Cheesbrough

PDF Ebook District Laboratory Practice in Tropical Countries, Part 1: Pt. 1, by Monica Cheesbrough

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District Laboratory Practice in Tropical Countries, Part 1: Pt. 1, by Monica Cheesbrough

District Laboratory Practice in Tropical Countries, Part 1: Pt. 1, by Monica Cheesbrough

District Laboratory Practice in Tropical Countries, Part 1: Pt. 1, by Monica Cheesbrough

PDF Ebook District Laboratory Practice in Tropical Countries, Part 1: Pt. 1, by Monica Cheesbrough

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District Laboratory Practice in Tropical Countries, Part 1: Pt. 1, by Monica Cheesbrough

Changes in the organization of health services in developing countries have led to the district level assuming more responsibility for the planning, delivery and quality of community health care. This fully up-dated new edition has been produced to help those working in the district laboratory, and those responsible for the organization and management of community laboratory services and the training of district laboratory personnel. Replacing the previous publication Medical Laboratory Manual for Tropical Countries, this book provides an up-to-date practical bench manual, taking a modern approach to the provision of a quality medical laboratory service. It includes practical accounts of: organization and staffing of district laboratory services; total quality management; health and safety; equipping district laboratories; parasitological tests, illustrated in colour; clinical chemistry tests; how to plan a training curriculum for district laboratory personnel. Volume 2, published in late 1999, covers microbiological tests, haematological tests and blood transfusion tests.

  • Sales Rank: #2194097 in eBooks
  • Published on: 2005-09-08
  • Released on: 2005-09-08
  • Format: Kindle eBook

Review of District Laboratory Practice in Developing Countries Part 1: 'Clear and easily understood information is provided on the clinical biochemistry of laboratory analytes and the biology of parasites ... The book is probably the most comprehensive source of information available today to those who work in or need to know about laboratory services in developing countries. It can be recommended as a basic document for laboratory technicians, technologists, and medical doctors at all levels ...' Bulletin of the World Health Organization

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