Rabu, 20 Januari 2016

* Ebook Free Last Stop Vienna: A Novel, by Andrew Nagorski

Ebook Free Last Stop Vienna: A Novel, by Andrew Nagorski

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Last Stop Vienna: A Novel, by Andrew Nagorski

Last Stop Vienna: A Novel, by Andrew Nagorski

Last Stop Vienna: A Novel, by Andrew Nagorski

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Last Stop Vienna: A Novel, by Andrew Nagorski

Germany in the 1920s, in the early days of Hitler and the Nazi party, was a country plunging into darkness and violence. Andrew Nagorski has written the story of a doomed generation, of evil, hopelessness, sexual perversion and murder that set the stage for the ultimate destruction of a society. But in a stunning denouement, a young Nazi brownshirt, acting out of passion and revenge, changes the course of history.

Karl Naumann, a German teenager who has lost his father and brother in World War I, has tried to find a place in a defeated, demoralized and anarchic Berlin. Impressed by the returning veterans who refuse to lay down their arms and fight running battles with communist revolutionaries, and alone and adrift on the streets, he is recruited to their cause and camaraderie. He is sent to Munich, where he works his way up the ranks to become one of Adolf Hitler's bodyguards, a storm trooper.

The new movement is increasingly split between Hitler and rival leaders, including Karl's mentor, Otto Strasser, a real-life Nazi activist. As the schism within the party widens, the battles intensify and Hitler asserts his dominance, Karl must determine where his loyalty lies. He has fallen in love with a nurse, Sabine, whom he marries, but he is infatuated with Hitler's young niece, Geli Raubal, who is caught up in a deeply disturbing sexual relationship with her uncle.

Obsessed by the seductive and elusive Geli, Karl is startled by what he sees through her of the dark core of Hitler's personality. When Geli finally summons up the courage to leave her uncle, it is too late. Soon after, she is found dead in their apartment, a gun in her hand, allegedly a suicide. Karl believes that Hitler has murdered her. He follows him to Geli's grave in Vienna where their final confrontation takes place. Last Stop Vienna presents a chilling and suspenseful look at what might have been.

  • Sales Rank: #1533157 in eBooks
  • Published on: 2013-07-30
  • Released on: 2013-07-30
  • Format: Kindle eBook

From Publishers Weekly
Nagorski imagines a fascinating alternate ending to Adolf Hitler's ill-fated affair with his niece, Geli, in this fast-moving, riveting debut novel about a naive young stormtrooper who inadvertently becomes the fuhrer's romantic rival. After losing his brother in WWI, Karl Naumann joins the fledgling vigilante group that eventually becomes Hitler's notorious brownshirts. Despite his delicate appearance, Naumann instantly takes to the violence of the job. Working with Hitler's pamphlet publisher, Otto Strasser, Naumann rises through the ranks, and shortly after meeting Hitler, finds himself chaperoning Hitler's precocious teenage niece during a couple of brief outings. Naumann responds to Geli's playful flirtation; before long he finds himself infatuated, despite his recent marriage. The affair seems innocuous, but when Hitler begins to monopolize his young niece's attention with his twisted erotic demands, Naumann realizes that his life and Geli's are in danger. Naumann's interior monologues can be stiff ("my return to Berlin was not at all as I had envisaged it"), but Nagorski paints a complex portrait of a vengeful young man incapable of resisting his own base impulses, yet ultimately guided by a strong sense of compassion and justice. A former Berlin bureau chief for Newsweek, Nagorski captures the city faithfully, convincingly imagining the to and fro of everyday life in the 1920s. The book offers a fascinating account of the power struggles between Hitler and rival Nazi leaders, but focuses primarily on the small events and individual actions that lay the foundation for Nazi rule.
Copyright 2002 Reed Business Information, Inc.

From Booklist
Nagorski is a senior editor at Newsweek International and the author of two nonfiction books. His first novel evokes, with sharp tension, Germany in the 1920s--specifically, the burgeoning growth and appeal of the Nazi Party. At the time, Germany was beaten down by World War I and reparations, and young Berliner Karl Naumann is not unusual in his ennui and anger. His leanings lead him to Munich, where he becomes a member of Hitler's storm troopers. Karl marries, but he also becomes involved with Hitler's niece, Geli, and her death--presumed by Karl to be at the hands of her rising-star uncle--prompts him to take history into his hands. Nagorski's novel then evolves into a very intriguing what-if tale. Brad Hooper
Copyright © American Library Association. All rights reserved

"An astonishing, breathtaking tale of passion and foreboding. Andrew Nagorski's main characters—a young Nazi brownshirt who turns against Hitler, and Hitler's tormented niece -- are unforgettable. The outcome of their story makes clear that there was nothing predetermined in Hitler's rise to power. This first novel is frightening, illuminating, and brilliant." (Pat Conroy, author of "Beach Music" )

"Last Stop Vienna is a fascinating, haunting tale about the way one man can make history—or unmake it." (Christopher Dickey, author of "Innocent Blood" )

"Andrew Nagorski has written a strikingly original work of historical fiction. With a finely etched portrait of a stripped and humiliated Weimar Germany as his background, Nagorski traces the transformation of an 'ordinary' German into a Nazi brownshirt. Nagorski's portrait of the ascendant Adolf Hitler sexually preying on his own niece is chilling." (Kati Marton, author of "Hidden Power" )

"An intriguing rebellion of imagination against historical reality." (Bernhard Schlink, author of "The Reader" )

Most helpful customer reviews

9 of 10 people found the following review helpful.
Read This Book!
By A Customer
I derive no greater reading pleasure than when I learn something while being highly entertained. Andrew Nagorski�s Last Stop Vienna is an amazing novel that manages to teach as well as engage. The rise and rule of Adolf Hitler is the most notorious tale of the twentieth century, yet how many people truly understand the dire social, economic, and political climate in 1920�s and 1930�s Germany that enabled the emergence of a man like Hitler? Perhaps better than any novelist in recent history, Nagorski does. Through the eyes of young and idealist Nazi Brownshirt, Karl Naumann, Nagorski tells a story that demonstrates in eerie and vivid detail how readily evil can rise out of desperation. Last Stop Vienna is not only a compelling book but also an important one. We live in an age where the conditions in many countries throughout the world are jarringly parallel to those of pre-World War II Germany. It would behoove us all to gain an understanding of such matters. Andrew Nagorski has provided us a great service by making it easy and enjoyable to edify his readers using his 288-page gem, Last Stop Vienna.

3 of 4 people found the following review helpful.
Thrilling and Edifying
By Raphael
A vivid and engaging piece of historical fiction, Nagorski's tale traces the life of a young Karl Naumann against the stark backdrop of Germany's decaying liberal order. What begins as a coming of age story quickly maps to the increasingly dramatic events culminating in the Nazi takeover. But Naumann's investment in the events shaking Germany take on an entirely different character as he meets -- and falls in love with -- Hitler's troubled niece, Geli. Nagorski's prose is absorbing, and his grasp of the period's history is excellent. At turns thrilling and edifying, it's a story not to be missed.

4 of 6 people found the following review helpful.
By Jen Senko
This book was recommended to me by my mother and to be honest, the only reason I listened to her was because I liked the cover. I'm really not a history buff but I have to say I was surprised at how much I loved Last Stop Vienna - and I learned an incredible amount. I couldn't stop reading it and, instead of skipping over the historical descriptions as I usually do, I was truly fascinated by Nagorski's ability to write so clearly and incisively, that I had a blast reading all of it! Of course, I relished the love affairs and love triangles and all the intrigue...especially when it came to Hitler's own perversions that I didn't know much about before! I wish they had added more sexual intrigue in the history courses I hated so much in college. I'm telling everyone about this book!
Jen Senko

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