Minggu, 06 Maret 2016

# Ebook The Open-Focus Brain: Harnessing the Power of Attention to Heal Mind and Body, by Les Fehmi, Jim Robbins

Ebook The Open-Focus Brain: Harnessing the Power of Attention to Heal Mind and Body, by Les Fehmi, Jim Robbins

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The Open-Focus Brain: Harnessing the Power of Attention to Heal Mind and Body, by Les Fehmi, Jim Robbins

The Open-Focus Brain: Harnessing the Power of Attention to Heal Mind and Body, by Les Fehmi, Jim Robbins

The Open-Focus Brain: Harnessing the Power of Attention to Heal Mind and Body, by Les Fehmi, Jim Robbins

Ebook The Open-Focus Brain: Harnessing the Power of Attention to Heal Mind and Body, by Les Fehmi, Jim Robbins

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The Open-Focus Brain: Harnessing the Power of Attention to Heal Mind and Body, by Les Fehmi, Jim Robbins

This breakthrough book presents a disarmingly simple idea: The way we pay attention in daily life can play a critical role in our health and well-being. According to Dr. Les Fehmi, a clinical psychologist and researcher, many of us have become stuck in “narrow-focus attention”: a tense, constricted, survival mode of attention that holds us in a state of chronic stress—and which lies at the root of common ailments including anxiety, depression, ADD, stress-related migraines, and more. To improve these conditions, Dr. Fehmi explains that we must learn to return to a relaxed, diffuse, and creative form of attention, which he calls “Open Focus.”

This highly readable and empowering book offers straightforward explanations and simple exercises on how to shift into a more calm, open style of attention that reduces stress, improves health, and enhances performance. The Open-Focus Brain features eight essential attention exercises for improving health, along with an audio CD in which the author guides the reader through fundamental Open-Focus exercises that can be used on a regular basis to enhance our health and well-being.

Dr. Fehmi writes, “Everyone has the ability to heal their nervous systems, to dissolve their pain, to slow down and yet accomplish more, to experience the deeper side of life—in short, to change their lives for the better dramatically.” At last readers can learn the techniques that Dr. Fehmi has offered to thousands of clients—the same drug-free, safe, and effective techniques that have led to remarkable and long-lasting results.

The Open-Focus Brain offers readers a revolutionary, drug-free way to:

  • alleviate depression, anxiety, and ADD

  • reduce stress-related chronic pain

  • optimize mental and physical performance

The eBook includes an audio program that provides further guidance on:

  • essential attention exercises from the book, led by Dr. Fehmi

  • how to "train the brain" to reduce stress, anxiety, chronic pain, and more

  • safe and effective techniques used in Dr. Fehmi's clinic for decades

  • Sales Rank: #108070 in eBooks
  • Published on: 2011-07-05
  • Released on: 2011-07-05
  • Format: Kindle eBook

From Publishers Weekly
Alongtime clinician and researcher in biofeedback, Fehmi (with the assistance of science writer Robbins, author of A Symphony in the Brain) advances his program for learning to relieve stress by attaining what he calls open focus—a more diffuse, flexible form of attention that, paradoxically, allows one to focus better and in a more relaxed way. According to Fehmi, most of us habitually operate in a narrow-focus stress mode that results in anxiety and a host of physical problems, including digestive upsets, rashes and migraines. Fehmi draws on his experience with neurofeedback (brain-wave biofeedback) to explain how we can shift our brain waves to attain open focus. These mental techniques help you to experience your body and even your heart in a new way and change how you perceive the space around you. Fehmi grounds his plan in research and patient anecdotes showing the techniques can reduce pain and improve relationships and athletic performance. Fehmi acknowledges the results of open focus are similar to those from meditation, but even readers skeptical of Eastern spirituality may find Fehmi's science-based program useful. (The accompanying audio CD was not heard by PW). (July 10)
Copyright © Reed Business Information, a division of Reed Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

“These mental techniques help you to experience your body and even your heart in a new way. Fehmi grounds his plan in research and patient anecdotes showing the techniques can reduce pain and improve relationships and athletic performance.”—Publishers Weekly

"Fehmi and award-winning science writer and journalist Robbins present a convincing argument for the effectiveness of neurofeedback in a self-help format for those who want to try the techniques. . . . This well-written book will be of interest to anyone in the alternative healing community."—Library Journal

“Based on thirty-plus years of research and professional experience, this book reveals a startling truth: how you deploy your attention in your daily life is centrally important for your mental and physical health. It also describes a breakthrough methodology for overcoming depression, anxiety, and other hard-to-manage emotional states. As a colleague of Dr. Fehmi from the earliest days of brainwave-biofeedback  research, I can trust the credibility of his reports. He is a creative and critical thinker in the field. I heartily recommend this book.”—Joe Kamiya, PhD, research psychologist at Langley Porter Institute of Psychiatry

“I’ve used the Open-Focus techniques in my work with NFL players, and I’ve shared this knowledge with other athletes and coaches. These attention exercises are applicable across all disciplines.”—Bob Ward, Director of Sports Science, former conditioning coach for the Dallas Cowboys

“The techniques described in this book can make life fuller, more enjoyable, and more productive. I recommend it.”—Andrew Weil, MD, author of Healthy Aging

About the Author
Jim Robbins is an award-winning journalist and science writer, with frequent contributions to the New York Times, Smithsonian, Scientific American, Discover, and Psychology Today. In connection with his reporting, he has appeared on ABC’s Nightline and on NPR’s All Things Considered and Morning Edition.

Most helpful customer reviews

151 of 154 people found the following review helpful.
Open Focus and Spiritual Practice
By Copthorne Macdonald
My own introduction to Open Focus took place in the early 1980s when I explored its potential as a tool for spiritual development.

Buddhist meditation techniques such as Vipassana and Dzogchen are attentiveness training practices. In Vipassana you begin by narrowly focusing on breath sensations and gradually widen the field of attention until it takes in whatever is arising in the mind. In Dzogchen meditation (an advanced practice) you go immediately into that wide-angle, all-inclusive mode of attending and hang out there. Both are highly worthwhile practices, but to develop the ability to enter at will that open-to-everything mindset requires an extended period of prior practice.

During the 1970s Les Fehmi developed and recorded a series of exercises designed to talk a person into the Open Focus mind state. By the time I heard about these tapes I had already attended several Vipassana retreats. I bought a set of tapes, and when I started using them I was immediately impressed by how effective they were. If I diligently followed the suggestions being made on the tape, at the end of the half-hour lesson I would invariably be in the Open Focus mode of attending to mind contents. That was rarely the case when I spent an equal amount of time doing Vipassana meditation. Better yet, after using the tapes daily for several weeks I found that in everyday life circumstances I was able to switch at will between narrow-focus attention and Open Focus -- something I had not yet developed the ability to do in my meditation practice.

When I recently obtained a copy of THE OPEN-FOCUS BRAIN and its companion CD I was delighted. It now seems likely that this powerful technique will finally get the widespread recognition it deserves.

74 of 76 people found the following review helpful.
Open Focus is a breakthrough for me
By Stephen Luff
Having read a lot of meditation books, zen books, power of now and attention deficit books, this book is a very interesting perspective on the subject of focus and attention.

First off the book explains what open focus is but it took me a while to grasp it. It wasn't until I read the first exercise that I 'felt' what open focus is about. I feel the book does require a few reads. More importantly, I felt I was very drawn to re-reading it, especially after listening to the cd.

Let me try a technique he uses in open focus. So while you are reading this review, imagine the distance of the screen from your eyes while still reading. Then see the edges of the computer screen yet still managing to read. Notice the spaces between each of the lines of words. Can you feel your shoulders? Can you feel if your arms and fingers are tense? Are your eyes relaxed? Still keep reading yet feel your tightness as you are still reading. Perhaps you can soften that tension and still maintain focus. Perhaps that feels more relaxed and now less urgent?

So one of the ideas is to still function but we don't always need what's known as 'narrow focus' or 'hyper-focus'. This is the focus that uses a high level of energy, tension and focus. We don't always need this type of focus with everything we do. This type of focus is very effective at getting things done, but unless we have a knowledge of 'different types' of focus, we can burn out. We don't always need to use narrow-focus for every task and every conversation. There are lots of other things we could do in open focus, enjoy them more and maybe even do a better job. An obvious one is reading. When I did the exercise he gave while reading I noticed my tension and softened it, especially the tension I was using to hold the book.

There is a cd with the book. The exercises on them are really brilliant. For me, going through the exercises really helps digest the sense of open focus.

One of the main themes of open focus training is to focus on space and spaces. Something like the space between your eyes. On the cd there are 15 second pauses between focuses. So imagine the distance from your eyes to the tip of your nose. pause. Imagine the volume of your lips. pause. The idea is not to say "oh its an inch" but more the greater depth of the space, such as the space between the atoms in the space.

The first of the two long guided sessions is working the head, shoulders and upper back. The second works the whole body. The voice on the cd is very pleasant.

What this book does very well is point out that we are living as if everything is urgent. Yet a lot of the time we aren't aware of it. Our culture rewards this type of focus. We are taught it at school; "stop daydreaming"; "pay attention"; "concentrate". A lot of the time we were paying attention but we look relaxed, or our gaze wasn't looking 'focused' enough.

Theres a lot of scientific biofeedback to back up this open focus training to move the practitioner very quickly into alpha waves using what is know as "imageless imagery".

Les Fehmi has been working with being "a student of how human beings attend both to the world around them and to their internal world of emotions and thoughts" for over 40 years. He's worked with Dallas Cowboys(American Football), the New jersey Nets, and the Olympic Development Committee.

88 of 91 people found the following review helpful.
The included CD is terrific!
By common reader
I approached this book with pure skepticism. I thought it would be boring, and, as a scientist, I could not believe that a few simple exercises could begin to alleviate the mental and physical pain of stress and depression. But I was wrong!

Fehmi combines his years of research and experience with a forthright and simple presentation. His humanism shines throughgout the book.

The text is simple and clear, and I found myself, wanting to learn more with each chapter I read. In addition, the included CD is terrific, especially, as I love to listen to audio books. My favorite exercises, "Expanding Your Awareness of Visual Space" and "Seeing in Open Focus", are particularly useful to me, in reducing the chronic tension that lives in my shoulder muscles.

Buy this book!

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# Ebook The Open-Focus Brain: Harnessing the Power of Attention to Heal Mind and Body, by Les Fehmi, Jim Robbins Doc

# Ebook The Open-Focus Brain: Harnessing the Power of Attention to Heal Mind and Body, by Les Fehmi, Jim Robbins Doc

# Ebook The Open-Focus Brain: Harnessing the Power of Attention to Heal Mind and Body, by Les Fehmi, Jim Robbins Doc
# Ebook The Open-Focus Brain: Harnessing the Power of Attention to Heal Mind and Body, by Les Fehmi, Jim Robbins Doc

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