Jumat, 31 Januari 2014

* Download Ebook A First Course in General Relativity, by Bernard Schutz

Download Ebook A First Course in General Relativity, by Bernard Schutz

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A First Course in General Relativity, by Bernard Schutz

A First Course in General Relativity, by Bernard Schutz

A First Course in General Relativity, by Bernard Schutz

Download Ebook A First Course in General Relativity, by Bernard Schutz

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A First Course in General Relativity, by Bernard Schutz

Clarity, readability and rigor combine in the second edition of this widely-used textbook to provide the first step into general relativity for undergraduate students with a minimal background in mathematics. Topics within relativity that fascinate astrophysical researchers and students alike are covered with Schutz's characteristic ease and authority - from black holes to gravitational lenses, from pulsars to the study of the Universe as a whole. This edition now contains discoveries by astronomers that require general relativity for their explanation; a revised chapter on relativistic stars, including new information on pulsars; an entirely rewritten chapter on cosmology; and an extended, comprehensive treatment of modern detectors and expected sources. Over 300 exercises, many new to this edition, give students the confidence to work with general relativity and the necessary mathematics, whilst the informal writing style makes the subject matter easily accessible. Password protected solutions for instructors are available at www.cambridge.org/9780521887052.

  • Sales Rank: #587640 in eBooks
  • Published on: 2009-05-14
  • Released on: 2009-05-14
  • Format: Kindle eBook

"Schutz has done a masterful job of incorporating ... new developments into a revised edition, which is sure to become a new "classic." I look forward to teaching out of the second edition of "first course."
Clifford M Will, McDonnell Center for the Space Sciences, Washington University, St Louis

"This new edition retains all of the original's clarity and insight into the mathematical foundations of general relativity, but thoroughly updates the accounts of the application of the theory in astrophysics and cosmology, which have moved on considerably ... The result is an indispensable volume for anyone wishing to develop a deep and physically well-motivated understanding of relativistic gravitation, and this new edition will no doubt become a classic text in its own right."
Mike Hobson, Cavendish Laboratory, University of Cambridge

"Schutz has updated his eminently readable and eminently teachable A First Course in General Relativity. The result maintains the style of the first edition -- intuitively and physically motivated presentation of the subject. ... This text will be appreciated by any upper level undergraduate with an interest in cosmology, astrophysics, or experimentation in gravitational physics."
Richard Matzner, The Center for Relativity, University of Texas at Austin

"Well laid out, developing logically and amply illustrated. Absolutely recommended."
Times Higher Education Supplement

About the Author
Bernard Schutz has done research and teaching in general relativity and especially its applications in astronomy since 1970. He is the author of more than 200 publications, including Geometrical Methods of Mathematical Physics and Gravity from the Ground Up (both published by Cambridge University Press). Schutz currently specialises in gravitational wave research, studying the theory of potential sources and designing new methods for analysing the data from current and planned detectors. He is a member of most of the current large-scale gravitational wave projects: GEO600 (of which he is a PI), the LIGO Scientific Collaboration, and LISA. Schutz is a Director of the Max Planck Institute for Gravitational Physics, also known as the Albert Einstein Institute (AEI), in Potsdam, Germany. He holds a part-time chair in Physics and Astronomy at Cardiff University, Wales, as well as honorary professorships at Potsdam and Hanover universities in Germany. Educated in the USA, he taught physics and astronomy for twenty years at Cardiff before moving to Germany in 1995 to the newly-founded AEI. In 1998 he founded the open-access online journal Living Reviews in Relativity. The Living Reviews family now includes six journals. In 2006 he was awarded the Amaldi Gold Medal of the Italian Society for Gravitation (SIGRAV), and in 2011 he received an honorary DSc from the University of Glasgow. He is a Fellow of the American Physical Society and the Institute of Physics, an Honorary Fellow of the Royal Astronomical Society, and a member of the Learned Society of Wales, the German Academy of Natural Sciences Leopoldina and the Royal Society of Arts and Sciences, Uppsala.

Most helpful customer reviews

19 of 20 people found the following review helpful.
OK or excellent - depends on your taste
By Andreas Finke
In my opinion, this is a very fine book. Introductory but not too easy.
It was the book used in class attended by a wide range of students where I was teaching the tutorials. But: I found that very few students actually liked the book. Let me talk about why I think this is so.

-about one half missed proper mathematics (more advanced students at graduate level) or at least some diff geo as in Carroll (Bachelor students)
-most students found explanations being not very clear especially later, e.g. in the grav. wave chapter

Let me comment on both points. First, when you consider buying this book you probably already know this is a physics first introductory textbook and do not expect too much differential geometry. Then the first criticism does not apply.
(Also, I found that there was almost no correlation between interest in advanced math and ability to solve (physics) problems in GR / understanding of the physics with the students. My own experience when learning GR was in fact that I got side tracked by the appealing math. I now know this was a mistake. )
By the way, all math that is used in Schutz is introduced in a logical, well motivated, very careful way. At least 2 long chapters are spent on this. The approach is not quite the "old fashioned tensors = transform like this"-way and not the "abstract, modern, math" way.

E.g. in the way introduced it is _physically_ clear that the covariant derivative of the metric vanishes (ultrimately connected to the equivalence principle).
C.f. more mathematical introductions: there the covariant derivative is sometimes just defined to have this property. Decide for yourself which approach you like more.

The second point of criticism: I think the first chapters are very clear, but not perfect - I'd rate them 4.5 stars. It starts off pretty easy and does not demand much prior knowledge (nothing beyond first 3 semesters of physics B.Sc in Germany basically). It carefully explains a lot of special relativity first, which is very nice - without being too detailed. Reading (parts of) Rindler's (newer) Relativity text first would take much, much longer. Later stuff only refers to stuff developed before. There is a superb chapter on the stress-energy-momentum-tensor apparently based on MTW. But contrary to some reviewer here I think it does add to the literature in being easier (and not that advanced). But: the level of difficulty gradually increases. The reading becomes slightly slower. One can feel that it becomes harder and harder to obtain the results without having some more advanced mathematical methods at hand or just uses words to describe them (where, I agree, proper definitions in math style indeed would have helped in a pedagogical way to get things straight in the reader's mind; I am thinking about moving frames and Riemann and Fermi normal coordinates). That is why later I'd only rate the book 4 stars. This makes it 4 in total.

If you do not want to find the explanations unclear and hate the book you have to a) be intelligent enough because it is _not_ an easy read despite the introductory character b) invest much more time than I am afraid most of my students did .

But then, relativity is _not_ the simplest thing to understand in physics, so both a) and b) was expected.

Summarizing, what you'd get is:

-nice but not perfect SR intro assuming no previous knowledge
-a physics first approach to GR that teaches you a lot if you think long enough about it
-a very geometrical / physical, detailed introduction to the math of GR that is not at all in the "math style" and not abstract at all
-detailed references up to the highest level
-many arguments that you usually find only in advanced texts
-some originality
-great and many exercises (w/o solutions, but google gives you some, prepared by Schutz himself)
-sometimes you would wish to ask some mentor what is meant by this or that statement, probably
-it is indeed a perfect preperation for MTW. It is more than just track one of MTW since it covers some track 2 material in style of track one.

13 of 13 people found the following review helpful.
Good, but cumbersome notation
By Nate
I struggled through this book more than I was okay with while learning GR. Originally, I thought it was that difficult of a topic. But upon learning much more about GR and having much more experience, I still find this book to be a cumbersome read. The author never decides if he wants to use modern coordinate free notation or old school component only notation. He constantly swaps back and forth and only ever half develops anything from modern notation. It left me VERY confused when first learning this topic. Upon coming back to check it out recently, I now understand why. He does an extremely poor job of developing the notations together and, much more often than not, he leaves you confused.

When the author teaches and strictly stays with old school notation, the book does a fantastic job. But when he tries to incorporate modern notation, it's confusing.

After finding the book "A Student's Guide to Vectors and Tensors," I find that this book is rather mediocre. Fleisch did a drastically better job at teaching you everything up to the Riemann tensor. It's not even comparable. If I were suggesting a path to learn GR, I would say Fleisch, Zee, Carroll, Wald.

29 of 34 people found the following review helpful.
Not for Self Study! Otherwise OK!
By Sudesh
I purchased this book for self study as was recommended by some of the fellow readers but was disappointed to find following issues.

1. Many concepts are not explained fully in the chapters but are rather built into the exercises. As solutions to exercises are not provided in the book it becomes very difficult for understanding the concepts on your own. There is an online file containing solution on Cambridge Universtity press but access to that file is provided only if you are a teacher. This makes the book practically useless for self study.

2. Many equations are given in the book without providing the proper derivation or proof of the equations.

Apart from these drawbacks the book is good and can be useful for students with someone available to explain the concepts. Definitely not for self study.

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Pockets of resistance, by Peter Goddard, Piers Robinson

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Pockets of resistance, by Peter Goddard, Piers Robinson

For scholars of media and war, the 2003 invasion of Iraq is a compelling case to study. As part of President Bush’s ‘war on terror’, the invasion was the most controversial British foreign policy decision since Suez, and its ramifications and aftermath have rarely been far from the news. In the many political and public debates regarding this conflict, arguments over the role of the media have been omnipresent. For some, media coverage was biased against the war, for others it became a cheerleader for the invasion. Where does the truth lie? Drawing upon a uniquely-detailed and rich content and framing analysis of television and press coverage, and on interviews with some of the journalists involved, Pockets of Resistance provides an authoritative assessment of how British news media reported the 2003 Iraq invasion and also of the theoretical implications of this case for our understanding of wartime media-state relations.

Pockets of Resistance examines the successes and failures of British television news as it sought to attain independence under the difficult circumstances of war, and describes and explains the emergence of some surprisingly vociferous anti-war voices within a diverse national press.

  • Sales Rank: #2747207 in eBooks
  • Published on: 2010-09-13
  • Released on: 2012-11-01
  • Format: Kindle eBook


"Richly detailed and engagingly presented It is a "must read" for anyone who wants to know how the 24-7 news system covers national security crises, and why that coverage takes the shape that it does.'"

Pockets of Resistance intervenes into the heart of contemporary debates about media, democracy and legitimized killing and death. An important new landmark and essential vantage point on the contested field of media and war studies.'

"Pockets of Resistance is a first-rate study of Iraq war reporting - broad, rigorous and insightful in the way it surveys British coverage of the war. It paints a complex picture of war reporting that clarifies our understanding of the relation between media and political elites during wartime. Without a doubt, it is one of the most ambitious and important works published to date on media and war."

About the Author

Piers Robinson is Senior Lecturer in International Politics at the University of Manchester

Peter Goddard is Senior Lecturer in the Department of Communication and Media at the University of Liverpool

Katy Parry is Research Assistant in the Department of Communication and Media at the University of Liverpool

Craig Murray is head of Media Analysis at Opoint AS, Norway

Most helpful customer reviews

2 of 2 people found the following review helpful.
Brilliant study of the British media's coverage of the 2003 invasion of Iraq
By William Podmore
This is a magnificent study of the British news media's coverage of the 2003 invasion of Iraq. It is extremely thorough, methodologically sound, and well-researched.
The authors find, "the intensification of media-management operations has counterbalanced any empowering effects that might have occurred as a result of the end of the cold war and developments in communication technology."
They note that the government's favoured rationale for war was `humanitarian'. But, as they observe, "With the Iraq War, humanitarianism became a central theme in promoting a war that was not being driven by humanitarian imperatives."
How many civilian deaths does it take to disqualify a war as `humanitarian'? 100,000, the minimum estimate for Iraqi deaths? Or 900,000, the Lancet's estimate? Only the USA and Britain, it seems, are allowed `humanitarian' wars.
The British state still has the imperial assumption of its right, even its duty, to intervene in other countries' internal affairs. Its case boils down to `we goodies save ordinary people from foreign, dark-skinned baddies.'
This is to break international law, which prioritises the maintenance of peace between nations, respecting nations' sovereignty and independence. So our `independent' TV and press don't dismiss international law - they don't even mention it.
The government and media are so unsure of their case that they have to deny the opposition a voice. This is like a court which hears only one side of the case. The media use cues like `controversial', applied to opponents, never to the state's case, however few people back it.
On the public response to the maiming of Ali Abbas, the Daily Mirror editorialised, "The British don't just have the best fighting forces in the world. They have the greatest compassion too." So after our armed forces blow the child's arms off, we are supposed to pat ourselves on the back because we had a whip-round for him. The Mirror showed the greatest, ugliest, self-congratulation too.
The authors cite Federal Reserve Chairman Alan Greenspan: "I am saddened that it is politically inconvenient to acknowledge what everyone knows: the Iraq war is largely about oil." The British state promotes the `Responsibility To Protect' - R2P, to which we should add OPO - Other People's Oil.
Iraq, like Haiti, Honduras, the Congo and so many other countries, has been reduced to chaos, where only the key resources are secure, and token elections are a fig leaf for dictatorship. Iraq should have buried the notion of the British state's benevolent intent and effects.
The authors conclude, "In sum, the essence of supportive reporting of war is patriotic, giving support to the military campaign and viewing it from the perspective of `our' soldiers. Criticism of government and military is minimal, with little attention given to wider political and historical contexts and few images of death reaching press or television bulletins."

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^^ Ebook Pockets of resistance, by Peter Goddard, Piers Robinson Doc

Rabu, 29 Januari 2014

! Download Ebook A Single Sky: How an International Community Forged the Science of Radio Astronomy, by David P.D. Munns

Download Ebook A Single Sky: How an International Community Forged the Science of Radio Astronomy, by David P.D. Munns

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A Single Sky: How an International Community Forged the Science of Radio Astronomy, by David P.D. Munns

A Single Sky: How an International Community Forged the Science of Radio Astronomy, by David P.D. Munns

A Single Sky: How an International Community Forged the Science of Radio Astronomy, by David P.D. Munns

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A Single Sky: How an International Community Forged the Science of Radio Astronomy, by David P.D. Munns

The relationship between ignorance and surprise and a conceptual framework for dealing with the unexpected, as seen in ecological design projects.

  • Sales Rank: #2124890 in eBooks
  • Published on: 2012-11-30
  • Released on: 2012-10-26
  • Format: Kindle eBook

"This is a splendid account of early radio astronomy, meticulously researched and beautifully written. It is a concise yet valuable contribution to scholarship cover- ing the two decades when astronomers first confronted the invisible universe." Simon Mitton, University of Cambridge.  From American Historical Review 119:1 (Feb 2014), p. 160-61.

About the Author
David P. D. Munns is Assistant Professor of History at John Jay College of Criminal Justice of the City University of New York.

Most helpful customer reviews

2 of 2 people found the following review helpful.
Exceptionally written and fascinating
By Er B. Robins
Dr. Munns' writing style incorporates a ton of information without being overpowering. Prose, witticisms and great examples are employed to keep the reader turning pages, and anyone a fan of radio astronomy would do well to add this tour de force to their library.

3 of 4 people found the following review helpful.
Probably the worst book ever written on radio astronomy
By Whitham D. Reeve
Here is a direct quote from the last chapter:

“One larger argument of this book has been that the radio astronomers inverted the standard technocratic superpower metanarrative of the Cold War state, with its secrecy, its parochial material immediacy, its rampant nationalism, and most of all its delusional bluster.”

If you can decipher this gobbledygook and like it, then this book is for you. Otherwise, do not bother with it.

The author's pomposity is overwhelming, and he completely wears out the words "community" and "pedagogy" in all their forms. The writing is tedious and boring.

0 of 0 people found the following review helpful.
The Story of a Lesser-Known but Incredibly Important Aspect of Astronomy
By Roger D. Launius
In "A Single Sky: How an International Community Forged the Science of Radio Astronomy" David P.D. Munns focuses on the international group of often warring scientists and engineers that created a critically important astronomical capability in the aftermath of World War II. While astronomy is centuries old—some would argue that it is the oldest scientific discipline—venturing into the non-visible part of the electromagnetic spectrum is a twentieth century phenomenon.

Radio astronomy is the application of a wartime technology to a nonviolent pursuit, even though the first such postwar application was the related technology of radar astronomy. Creating a new perspective on the universe, radio astronomy came about because of the efforts of astronomers and engineers around the world who over time established observatories to view the cosmos.

Taking something of a cultural anthropological approach, Munns offers disparate stories about Australian, British, Dutch, and American efforts to develop and use this technology. Through their efforts they created a community of scientists, aided and sometimes opposed by engineers and others. This is fundamentally a study of discipline formation, international integration, and cooperative push/pull. It is not the first work to explore discipline formation in the history of astronomy, but it is a useful investigation of an important subgroup in the field.

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The Chrysanthemum Palace: A Novel, by Bruce Wagner

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The Chrysanthemum Palace: A Novel, by Bruce Wagner

The Chrysanthemum Palace introduces Bertie Krohn, the only child of Perry Krohn, creator of TV's longest running space opera, Starwatch: The Navigators (which counts Jennifer Aniston and Donald Rumsfeld among its obsessed fans). Bertie recounts the story of the last months in the lives of his two companions: Thad Michelet, author, actor, and son of a literary titan; and Clea Freemantle, emotionally fragile daughter of a legendary movie star, long dead. Scions of entertainment greatness, they call themselves the Three Musketeers; between them, as Bertie says, "there was more than enough material to bring psychoanalysis back into vogue." As the incestuous clique attempts to scale the peaks claimed by their sacred yet monstrous parents over a two-week filming of a Starwatch episode in which they costar, Bertie scrupulously chronicles their highs and lows -- as well as their futile struggles against the ravenous, narcissistic, Convulsive and poignant, The Chrysanthemum Palace is a tragic tale of friendship and fate writ large -- a tour de force by a major writer whose narrative delivers devastating emotional impact.

  • Sales Rank: #1555311 in eBooks
  • Published on: 2013-03-26
  • Released on: 2013-03-26
  • Format: Kindle eBook

From Publishers Weekly
Starred Review. In his Cellular Trilogy, novelist Wagner gleefully excoriated Hollywood vanity and pretense. Obviously his hunger for butchering Tinseltown's sacred cows was not sated because in his latest work he continues to carve them up. His uproarious new satire focuses on a trio of psychologically and emotionally fragile actors, each of whom carries the added baggage of a very famous and successful parent. The story is told from the perspective of Bertie Krohn, the soon-to-be-middle-aged son of the "creator-producer in perpetua of TV's longest-running syndicated space opera, Starwatch: The Navigators." After several attempts to make it on his own artistically, Bertie succumbs to nepotism and joins the cast of Starwatch. The book revolves around his interactions with two other actors who are appearing on the series. The first is Clea Fremantle, his childhood crush and the daughter of a "legendary film actress." The other is Thad Michelet, the 50-something son of a universally revered, award-winning author. Much as Jeffrey Frank did in his excellent novel The Columnist, Wagner crafts a savage meditation on contemporary self-involvement—his characters are vacuous, name-dropping black holes of self-absorption. The writing itself is wonderfully bad, as Bertie the hapless hack attempts to chronicle his melodramatic tale with 25-cent words ("commodious," "numinous," etc.) and wickedly overwrought metaphors ("Thad's hungry eyes surveyed the topography of human detail unfolding before him like a jet devouring a runway during takeoff"). It's a short, sharp book that puts a dagger right in the heart of Hollywood.
Copyright © Reed Business Information, a division of Reed Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

From The New Yorker
On the set of a schlocky TV space opera called "Starwatch," three children of wealthy and talented parents struggle to attain success of their own. The narrator, Bertie, is the son of the show's creator, and his current acting job is the nadir in a career of ever-shrinking ambition. His companions are Clea, the pill-popping daughter of a sexy actress who died young, and Thad, who is plagued by a personality disorder and the outsized legend of his father, an award-winning author. Suffering in the shadow of parental fame is a familiar trope of tabloid pathos, and the parents here are predictably malevolent. This slender novel lacks the kaleidoscopic frenzy of Wagner's "cell-phone" trilogy, and its more limited range gives his relentlessly up-to-the-minute pop-trivia references a somewhat airless feel. Still, his ability to eviscerate the absurdities of Hollywood, while occasionally hinting at its basic humanity, remains undiminished.
Copyright © 2005 The New Yorker

From Booklist
Few writers capture the egregious emptiness of Hollywood as well as Wagner, who once again casts his jaundiced eye upon the requisite retinue of movers and shakers, hotshots and hopefuls who make up the frequently peculiar and often perverse entertainment industry subculture. His latest tongue-in-cheek effort follows the lives of three descendants of Hollywood royalty: Clea, the daughter of a glamorous, cult-status actress; Thad, son of an internationally acclaimed author; and Bertie, the story's narrator, whose father created TV's longest-running interspace sci-fi series. Struggling to equal, if not eclipse, their legendary parents' reputations, the friends tragically fall far short of the mark, myopically concerned with maintaining the self-destructive addictions they acquire to mask their self-perceived inadequacies. Liberally name-dropping references to industry icons and squeezing in as many allusions to popular cultural trends as possible, Wagner takes no prisoners; anyone and anything is fodder for his gossip mill. Though his plot is often convoluted and laborious, Wagner's satire is at once biting and broad based, his wit both razor sharp and slyly subtle. Carol Haggas
Copyright © American Library Association. All rights reserved

Most helpful customer reviews

7 of 7 people found the following review helpful.
five stars, achieved writer!
By Felicia Sullivan
Reviewed by Cindy Dale for Small Spiral Notebook

Wagner's characters exasperate you with their LA-style self-absorption, self-delusion and paranoia. His high-speed prose makes you dizzy with its name-dropping, pyrotechnics and barbs. Part farce, part satire and part pathos, The Chrysanthemum Palace, Wagner's fifth novel, secures Wagner a top spot in the pantheon of Hollywood novelist all stars, right up there with F. Scott Fitzgerald and Nathaniel West. As he ably demonstrated in first Force Majeure and again in his triple-play `cellular trilogy,' I'm Losing You, I'll Let You Go and Still Holding, no one does Hollywood quite like Bruce Wagner.

As The Chrysanthemum Palace opens, we meet the self-dubbed `Three Muskateers.' There is Clea Freemantle, the fragile daughter of a long dead, once ravishing movie star of a certain era (reminiscent of Judy Garland). Then there is Thad Michelet, the rakish, 54-year-old Off-Broadway actor/straight-to-remainder novelist/"guest star on just about every CSI permutation to date." Thad is the sole surviving son of "Black Jack" Michelet, a womanizing literary lion without peers. And finally, we meet Bertie Krohn, our narrator and the only child of Perry Krohn, the incredibly rich and successful creator of "Starwatch: The Navigators", the longest running, wildly popular, beyond cult status TV space soap. These three scions of the rich/famous/borderline immortal, are about to co-star together in a special episode of "Starwatch".

Yes, nepotism is alive and well, and the trio of friends has Bertie's father to thank for their forthcoming celluloid adventure. One can not help but wonder where any of the three would be without their famous parent. How does one escape the shadow of `genius?' Can one ever live up to an icon? These are questions that have dogged Clea, Thad and Bertie for a lifetime. Bertie notes in one of his many asides, "Sorry, folks, but it's true-at the root of everything is the need to please one's parents."

Open the book to any given page and you will find it studded with bon mots-the Hollywood / LA variety. No one on the literary or Hollywood radar screen, living or dead, is out of reach of Wagner's skewer. Here is Thad's mother, a photographer of sorts who is putting together a vanity coffee-type book of literary greats (which will most definitely not include her son), telling Thad who she's off to shoot next:

Wallace Foster or Foster Wallace teaches nearby. Relatively. Someplace called Pomona. A lot of these colleges pay, Thad. Irvine too. Big, big budgets. They're going to drive me. Evidently they give him millions to teach. You know, he was a great fan of Jack's-they used to chat on the phone at indecent hours. Alice Sebold teaches there too. Her husband's quite well known, as well. A novelist. They're both bestsellers. I'm going to do both of them, then fly to San Francisco for Eggers and Michael Something.

"Chabon?" Thad replies. His mother answers, "Yes". He won the Pulitzer. And I believe he makes quite a living writing screenplays." To which Thad mutters, "Jesus. Mr. Spider-Man 2!"

Or consider the exchange that occurs between Thad and the lawyers after the death of Thad's father and the reading of the will. It should come as no surprise that `Black Jack' is still calling the shots even after death, having willed Thad $10 million dollars with one tiny provision: one of Thad's books must appear on the New York Times bestseller list. As the first lawyer explains to Thad, "I guess your father's intentions were that you use your gifts to write something either very commercial-a John Grisham, or what have you-a Da Vinci Code-or something artistic, with crossover appeal." To which Thad retorts, "Bergdorf Blondes?" A second lawyer chimes in, "Not Bergdorf Blondes. Like The Corrections. Remember the guy who pissed Oprah off? Didn't that make the list? Some years back? I'm pretty sure it did. My theory-it's only a theory!-is that Jack was thinking of this as an incentive, a goal to work toward. A reward, if you will." But inspiration soon strikes and Thad and his cohorts may very well have the last laugh.

We trail the narcissistic trio through two weeks of filming as they hatch their plan to fulfill the codicil. From the "Starwatch" set to The Shutters Hotel to Disneyland, the three fast friends ricochet through the story-all the way to the Bun Boy Hotel and the novel's tragic desert denouement.

The self-absorbed wannabes, the white wine swilling, the pill-popping, the AA meetings, the pitches, the agents, the lawyers-it's all there, and then some. Buckle up. You're in for quite a ride, and bring along a tissue. All but the most jaded will need it by the end.

6 of 6 people found the following review helpful.
An intergalactic masterpiece
By Dangle's girl
I really wanted to hate "Chrysanthemum Palace"-the plot description and Bruce Wagner's penchant for punning titles had me ready to read it and rant. The first few pages didn't help either, full of relentless wordplay and pop culture trivia-why read something like this when I can watch "The Simpsons"? But somewhere around page 5, Wagner reached out from between the lines and absolutely grabbed me. He's some kind of genius-in only a few paragraphs he can sketch a character, weave him into a plot and weave the plot into a brutal critique of modern life, all while making you laugh and really feel for his creations. The pop culture patter updates some very serious and classic themes of family and friendship, yet he can let go with incredible bits like "a controversial, all-white version of 'A Raisin in the Sun.'" He's as close as I've seen to a modern-day Dickens, and "Chrysanthemum Palace" is as good a book as I've read in...weeks. Well worth a try.

2 of 2 people found the following review helpful.
Tell me why Clea
By Frances Kuffel
does herself in? Thad -- well. The world was not worse off for such a morose beast in it, but tell me why I care about these characters?

This is Gatsby in Hollywood, or Gatsby's grandchildren, mooning after what is lost, without anything elegaic or acknowledging in the doing of it. I didn't put the book down, but I didn't come away feeling I'd done anything more than survive Bruce Wagner's ennui.

& I got enough of that on my own.

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Selasa, 28 Januari 2014

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La fonction de general et l'art de l'amiraute (French Edition)From Dundurn

Cette collection, qui regroupe des essais redigés par des officiers des Forces canadiennes et par d’éminents auteurs et universitaires canadiens, fait état de l’expérience canadienne unique et donne un aperçu des changements dont le commandement au sein des forces armées a fait l’objet. Ce livre examine tout particulièrement le travail des généraux - à l’aide d’un certain nombre d’éléments tels que l’expérience historique, la nature du commandement, les operations récentes, les relations entre les civils et les militaires y compris celles avec les médias, les rôles et les responsabilités fonctionnelles liées au travail des généraux.

  • Sales Rank: #3604071 in eBooks
  • Published on: 2001-11-01
  • Released on: 2012-12-05
  • Format: Kindle eBook

From the Inside Flap
Cette collection fait état de l'expérience unique des Forces canadiennes et donne un aperçu des changements dont le commandement au sein des forces armées a fait l'objet.

About the Author

Colonel Bernd Horn, an experienced Canadian Forces infantry officer, is currently chief of staff of the Land Forces Development and Training System. Dr. Horn is also an adjunct professor of history at the Royal Military College and has authored, co-authored, or edited 28 books. Some of his recent publications are Fortune Favours the Brave and Show No Fear. He lives in Kingston, Ontario.

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Cryptozoology A To Z: The Encyclopedia Of Loch Monsters Sasquatch Chupacabras And Other Authentic M, by Loren Coleman, Jerome Clark

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Cryptozoology A To Z: The Encyclopedia Of Loch Monsters Sasquatch Chupacabras And Other Authentic M, by Loren Coleman, Jerome Clark

The ultimate quest for the world's most mysterious creatures
The Loch Ness Monster, Bigfoot, the Abominable Snowman -- these are the names of the elusive beasts that have caught the eye and captured the imaginations of people around the world for centuries. Recently, tales of these "monsters" have been corroborated by an increase in sightings, and out of these legends a new science has been born: cryptozoology -- the study of hidden animals.
Cryptozoology A to Z, the first encyclopedia of its kind, contains nearly two hundred entries, including cryptids (the name given to these unusual beasts), new animal finds, and the explorers and scientists who search for them. Loren Coleman, one of the world's leading cryptozoologists, teams up with Jerome Clark, editor and author of several encyclopedias, to provide these definitive descriptions and many never-before-published drawings and photographs from eyewitnesses' detailed accounts. Full of insights into the methods of these scientists, exciting tales of discovery, and the history and evolution of this field, Cryptozoology A to Z is the most complete reference ever of the newest zoological science.

  • Sales Rank: #144196 in eBooks
  • Published on: 2013-05-07
  • Released on: 2013-05-07
  • Format: Kindle eBook

From the Back Cover
"The Loch Ness Monster, Bigfoot, the Abominable Snowman - these are the names of the elusive beasts that have caught the eye and captured the imaginations of people around the world for centuries. Recently, tales of these "monsters" have been corroborated by an increase in sightings, and out of these legends a new science has been born: cryptozoology - the study of hidden animals."--BOOK JACKET. "Cryptozoology A to Z, the first encyclopedia of its kind, contains nearly two hundred entries, including cryptids (the name given to these unusual beasts), new animal finds, and the explorers and scientists who search for them. Loren Coleman, one of the world's leading cryptozoologists, teams up with Jerome Clark, editor and author of several encyclopedias, to provide these definitive descriptions and many never-before-published drawings and photographs from eyewitnesses' detailed accounts. Full of insights into the methods of these scientists, exciting tales of discovery, and the history and evolution of this field, Cryptozoology A to Z is the most complete reference ever of the newest zoological science."--BOOK JACKET.

About the Author
Loren Coleman, M.S.W., has researched the Copycat Effect for more than two decades. Coleman has been an adjunct professor at various universities in New England since 1980 and a senior researcher with the Muskie School for Public Policy. He is currently the primary consultant for the State of Maine's Youth Suicide Prevention Initiative. The author, coauthor, or editor of more than twenty books, including the critically acclaimed work Suicide Clusters, lives in Portland, Maine.

Excerpt. © Reprinted by permission. All rights reserved.
Abominable Snowman

When most people ponder on the "big three" of cryptozoology, they are thinking of the Loch Ness Monsters, Bigfoot, and the Abominable Snowman. Though many assume these beasts to be mythical, a body of intriguing evidence exists for each. Of the three, the Abominable Snowman is the cryptozoological animal longest known and discussed in the West.

The more proper name is Yeti, but most Westerners have been more familiar with the moniker "Abominable Snowman." "Abominable Snowman" is a phrase coined, accidentally, by a Calcutta Statesman newspaper columnist, Henry Newman, in 1921.

It happened when Newman wrote about the 1921 sighting by Lieutenant Colonel (later Sir) C.K. Howard-Bury and his party, who saw dark forms moving about on a twenty-thousand-foot-high snowfield above their location, the Lhapka-La pass on the Tibetan side of the Himalayan mountains, and viewed them through binoculars. This is the first credible Western sighting of what until then had been mostly a shadowy tale (at least to Westerners) of strange, hairy upright creatures in Tibet, Bhutan, Sikkim, Mustang, and Nepal. Howard-Bury would later, on September 22, 1921, find footprints "three times those of normal humans" at the site where the dark forms were moving about.

The Sherpas insisted that the prints were those of the metoh-kangmi, as Howard-Bury rendered it. Kang-mi loosely means "snow creature." The metoh part should have been written as met-teh, which translates as "man-sized wild creature."

Newman's mistake was caused in part by Howard-Bury's mistransliteration of the Sherpa word. Howard-Bury did not understand that the Sherpas recognized several types of creatures; on this occasion they had used a generic, not a specific, term. The error was compounded when Newman changed Howard-Bury's metoh-kangmi to metch kangmi, which he explained as a Tibetan word meaning "Abominable Snowman."

In any case, this proved to be a pivotal event in cryptozoological history. As Ivan T. Sanderson wrote, "The result was like the explosion of an atomic bomb." The melodramatic name "Abominable Snowman" spurred gigantic press interest. Newspaper coverage multiplied as more and more expeditions sought to climb Mount Everest.

The true origin of the phrase "Abominable Snowman" has been misrepresented over the years. For example, on a 1992 episode of the television series Unsolved Mysteries, a well-known Irish explorer wrongly claimed that the creature got its name because of its horrible odor.

The real animal behind the name is neither abominable nor a true creature of the snows. These beasts usually appear to live in quiet retreat in the steamy mountain valleys of the Himalayas, using the snowy passes as a way to move from one spot to another, leaving behind huge mysterious footprints. They are not -- contrary to another widespread misunderstanding -- white. And they are not a single creature.

A better generic term for Abominable Snowman is the Sherpa yeti, loosely meaning "that there thing." Yetis are known as huge creatures -- humanoid beasts, covered with thick coats of dark fur with arms, like those of anthropoid apes, which reach down to their knees.

A description of the reportedly three types of Yeti is discussed, in depth, within that entry.

Copyright © 1999 by Loren Coleman and Jerome Clark

Zuiyo-maru Monster

In April 1977, thirty miles off the coast of Christchurch, New Zealand, the trawler's nets of a Japanese fishing boat, the Zuiyo-maru, snared a huge animal carcass of an unknown origin. The crew hauled the monstrous body out of the ocean onto the deck, and Michihiko Yano, the ship's assistant production manager, measured the creature and took some now-famous photographs. The creature was thirty-three feet long and weighed about four thousand pounds. It had a snakelike head at the end of a long, slender neck, giving it an unwhale-like appearance. Some of the crew thought it was a rotten whale, but others were not so sure. After great difficulty, the stinking Zuiyo-maru Monster was thrown overboard.

Media attention in Japan focused on the plesiosaur-like appearance of the creature. Interest in Sea Serpents rose. Toys were produced of the Zuiyo-maru Monster.

But Yano had taken samples of the "horny fiber" from one of the monster's fins. Tests determined the Zuiyo-maru Monster was a decomposed basking shark, although few today know that part of the story.

Copyright © 1999 by Loren Coleman and Jerome Clark

Most helpful customer reviews

58 of 62 people found the following review helpful.
too many personalities
By A Customer
While I've been appreciative of Coleman and Clark's older works, I felt this book dwelled too much on the personalities involved in the field of cryptozoology. Seriously how many works in similar fields devote so much space to the people active in their fields? Do you open an encyclopedia of meteorology and read about famous (and non-famous) meteorologists? No.
Too much of the book is devoted to cryptozoologists, both famous and rather obscure. There are pictures of virtual unknowns in the book who have virtually no serious scholarly work on cryptids and whose only virtue is having operated a web site and interviewed a few local yokels. These people compare with individuals such as Sanderson and Heuvelmans? No and they don't deserve to share the space.
It's my feeling that a lot of the name dropping in this book is nothing but that, and while the part of the book actually devoted to cryptozoological mysteries is worthwhile, it's sometimes spoiled by the frequent references to Mr. and Mrs. Joe Nobody.

40 of 44 people found the following review helpful.
thorough encyclopedia of cryptozoology
By Tim F. Martin
Cryptozoology, the search for unknown or "hidden" animals, is a strange field, quite legitimate in some cases as researchers bring to the world of scientific knowledge new creatures such as the woodland bison (rediscovered in 1960 after it was presumed extinct), the saola (a large bovid discovered in 1992 in Vietnam), and the okapi, the giraffe relative of the deep jungles of central Africa, dicovered by western man in 1901 after extensive searching and using clues from the local inhabitants in the region. Other creatures such as the giant squid and the pygmy elephant are poorly known and quite enigmatic, but nonetheless real and seem to fall between the shadowy border of "standard" zoology and cryptozoology.
Cryptzoology also as a field includes a host of other strange creatures, many famous such as the sasquatch (or Bigfoot), yeti (or Abomininable Snowman), and the Loch Ness Monster, others fairly obscure such as the waitoreke (an otter-like mammal that may exist in New Zealand), the marozi (the enigmatic spotted lion of East Africa), and the buru (a large unknown monitor lizard of the remote valleys in the Himalayas). To an educated person who prides himself on having read a great many nature and science books, many "cryptids" (animals of interest to cryptozoologists) seem outlandish and improbable, such as the skunk ape of Florida or even the Loch Ness Monster (as the loch in question has been combed over extensively, and any air-breathing monster would have long been discovered and documented). It is with the creatures that *just may* exist, that don't sound so improbable, that gives to me cryptozoology (and this book) its charm. Surely hairy wildmen don't haunt the rain forests of Washington state, but who is to say with absolute certainty the buru or the marozi don't exist?
Coleman and Clark cover the field well, with entries for famous and not-so-famous cryptids, as well as large animals that have come to light in the 20th century. In part, it is these newly discovered animals - the Komodo dragon in 1910, the coelacanth in 1938, the kouprey in 1961 - that help make the science of cryptzoology at least partially legitimate. In addition, they have entries for famous cryptzoologists such as Matthew A. Bille, a leader in cryptocetology (the study of hidden or undiscovered whales) and Bernard Heuvelmans, the "Father of Cryptzoology," whose has written numerous works on cryptozoology, particularly on mysterious hominids such as the yeti.
Whether cryptozoology is a legitimate and cutting edge science or a collection of real animals, folktales, myths, and legends all mixed together is for the reader to decide. Coleman and Clark treat the subject with seriousness and professionalism, and the book is fun to browse through, complete with nice illustrations of cryptids and cryptozoologists. A nice bibliography is included, along with a list of cryptozoology musuems and exhibits, periodicals, and websites.

16 of 18 people found the following review helpful.
Great find
By Bradford Fritz
This book is an incredible read, offering valuable insight on a lesser-known science. Loren Coleman is a fantastic chronicler of "cryptids", the names given to these scarce and unusual beasts. Beasts such as Bigfoot, the Loch Ness Monster, the giant anaconda of the Amazon jungles, the giant octopus, the Kraken, Ogopogo, Champ, the Jersey Devil, the Thunderbird, megamouth shark, the Nandi Bear, the megaladon shark, and el Chupacabra. Cryptozoology is the study of hidden animals, and recently I have taken a big interest in it upon a sighting of Bigfoot in New Mexico's mountains (no joke).
This science should not be considered very low, and stereotyped as studied by clueless men and women, because it is not. It is a very intelligent science, offering one of the most intriguing searches--that being, the search for the unknown. Albert Einstein once said that the biggest adventure lies in finding things unknown. Hominology is also featured in this book, which is the study of humankind's closest relatives (Bigfoot, Yeti, Abdominable Snowman), besides apes. Hominology is the bridge between anthropology and zoology. This book will startle you with true accounts of some encounters, short bios of the people who are cryptozoologists, and cryptozoology organizations such as the International Society of Cryptozoology, and, of course, the cryptids themselves. Dig in.

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Senin, 27 Januari 2014

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Why pamper life's complexities (Music and Society), by Sean Campbell

For five short years in the 1980s, a four-piece Manchester band released a collection of records that had undeniably profound effects on the landscape of popular music and beyond. Today, public and critical appreciation of The Smiths is at its height, yet the most important British band after The Beatles have rarely been subject to sustained academic scrutiny. Why pamper life’s complexities?: Essays on The Smiths seeks to remedy this by bringing together diverse research disciplines to place the band in a series of enlightening social, cultural and political contexts as never before.

Topics covered by the essays range from class, sexuality, Catholicism, Thatcherism, regional and national identities, to cinema, musical poetics, suicide and fandom. Lyrics, interviews, the city of Manchester, cultural iconography and the cult of Morrissey are all considered anew. The essays breach the standard confines of music history, rock biography and pop culture studies to give a sustained critical analysis of the band that is timely and illuminating.

This book will be of interest to scholars and students in the fields of sociology, literature, geography, cultural and media studies. It is also intended for a wider audience of those interested in the enduring appeal of one of the most complex and controversial bands. Accessible and original, these essays will help to contextualise the lasting cultural legacy of The Smiths.

  • Sales Rank: #1674338 in eBooks
  • Published on: 2010-10-21
  • Released on: 2012-11-01
  • Format: Kindle eBook


"This book as a whole conveys how the band drew from canonized literature as credibly as they did from what popular culture's own bourgeoisie have more recently called 'guilty' pleasures. Each chapter differently suggests how to listen to The Smiths is to listen to a sublimely subjective history of culture itself, in which supposed distinctions between 'high' and 'popular' are unostentatiously rejected. The essays thus work superbly as a collection, displaying how, via The Smiths, Sandie Shaw meets Oscar Wilde, Guy Fawkes joins T. Rex, Andy Warhol enters Coronation Street and George Formby harmonises with Kazem Al Saher."

"It's incredible to think a band that only existed for five years could have such a phenomenal impact. This book, from Manchester University Press, is the first critical study of why they're as important as ever."

About the Author

Sean Campbell is Senior Lecturer in the Department of English and Media at Anglia Ruskin in Cambridge

Colin Coulter is Senior Lecturer in Sociology at the National University of Ireland, Maynooth

Most helpful customer reviews

2 of 2 people found the following review helpful.
Excllent book
By Alejandra Fortoul
Get it. It Analyzes The Smiths in an unconventional musicologist way. This is not a book about anectdotes, tough it has some, it's a book that's focused on analyzing various aspects of the history of The Smiths. I hihly recommend it.

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Minggu, 26 Januari 2014

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Ein Graffiti auf riesengroßer Leinwand am Dom zu Brandenburg zeigt den Polizeipräsidenten in wenig freundlicher Pose. Doch aus einem harmlosen Streich Jugendlicher wird schnell Ernst, als man einen der Sprayer tot auffindet. Kommissar Manzetti soll den Mord aufklären - und stellt entsetzt fest, dass seine eigene Tochter zu der Graffiti-Crew gehört. Als der heißblütige Manzetti vom Dienst suspendiert wird, nimmt er eigene Ermittlungen auf. Dabei unterstützen ihn ein begnadeter Computerhacker und ein ehrgeiziger Journalist. Vor allem aber der Rechtsmediziner Bremer erweist sich als hilfreicher Freund. Konfrontiert mit den brutalen Methoden skrupelloser Verbrecher einerseits und den Geisterbeschwörungen seiner italienischen Mamma andererseits, versucht Manzetti, seine Tochter Lara vor einer tödlichen Gefahr zu retten.
Havelgeister ist nach Havelwasser, Havelsymphonie und Haveljagd der vierte Kriminalroman des Brandenburger Polizeibeamten und Autors Jean Wiersch.

  • Sales Rank: #3114153 in eBooks
  • Published on: 2012-11-22
  • Released on: 2012-11-22
  • Format: Kindle eBook

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Sabtu, 25 Januari 2014

! Ebook Free Restoring Your Life Energy: Simple Chi Gung Practices to Reduce Stress and Enhance Well-Being, by Waysun Liao

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Restoring Your Life Energy: Simple Chi Gung Practices to Reduce Stress and Enhance Well-Being, by Waysun Liao

Restoring Your Life Energy: Simple Chi Gung Practices to Reduce Stress and Enhance Well-Being, by Waysun Liao

Restoring Your Life Energy: Simple Chi Gung Practices to Reduce Stress and Enhance Well-Being, by Waysun Liao

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Restoring Your Life Energy: Simple Chi Gung Practices to Reduce Stress and Enhance Well-Being, by Waysun Liao

In our busy lives we are bombarded by energy that taxes us and depletes our chi. This book of simple movements and meditations drawn from the Chinese arts of t'ai chi and chi gung will help restore your life energy, known as chi. Chi, according to traditional Chinese medicine, is the fuel and essence that connects body, mind, and spirit, and without it we fall apart physically, mentally, and spiritually. In Restoring Your Life Energy, well-known and respected t'ai chi master Waysun Liao explains why protecting our chi is so important, how chi gets taxed and damaged in our lives, and how to restore it. He explains:

  • The three levels of healing—physical, mental, and energetic/spiritual: what they are, why it is important to understand them, and how to target our practice to address each level;

  • Moving meditation, a powerful way of restoring chi (once we learn to sense the flow of chi, we can actually direct healing chi energy to areas in our body that need attention);

  • And how to integrate our knowledge of chi with conventional advice regarding diet, exercise, and medication.

The book includes numerous exercises including "exercises for daily life," simple breathing and sensory meditations that can be done throughout the day; more advanced breathing and sensory meditations; standing exercises to move internal energy; "cleansing forms" to do during times of stress; and deeply cleansing and restorative "Tao gong" exercises. 

  • Sales Rank: #598022 in eBooks
  • Published on: 2012-11-13
  • Released on: 2012-11-13
  • Format: Kindle eBook

About the Author
Master Waysun Liao studied t’ai chi in a Taoist temple in his native Taiwan from the age of twelve. He is the founder and master of the Taichi Tao Center in Oak Park, Illinois, where he has taught for nearly forty years.

Most helpful customer reviews

16 of 17 people found the following review helpful.
Life Energy in it's Simplicity
By Amazon Customer
This book summarizes the principles that Waysun Liao laid out in "Tao-The Way of God", "Nine Nights with the Taoist Master: Deluxe Study Edition", and "Chi: Discovering Your Life Energy". Waysun Liao presents the often confusing topic of Life Energy/Chi/Qi in simple, western, layman's terms. This along with "Chi: Discovering Your Life Energy" are good introductions to Waysun Liao's larger volumes dealing with the Tao Te Ching and Spirituality.

The concept is simple. Civilization and modern living place us in a paradigm of falseness where people are too distracted to feel their Life Energy. Simplifying our lives while practicing arts like Taijiquan, Qigong and meditation allow us to reconnect to Source. His first book "T'ai Chi Classics" demonstrates an expanded version of the Cheng Man Ching Taiji form utilizing drawings and directional arrows. "Restoring Your Life Energy" has photos of the author demonstrating a few simple Qigong movements. The internal principles are paramount, regardless of what form is used.

12 of 14 people found the following review helpful.
Original and Profound
By Amazon Customer
Have to say this book is quite original and profound. Pretty heavy for a "simple" book about qi. It contains many insights that I have not seen in other books on the subject. Loved the part about Qi having quantity, quality and content.
Thanks a million to Master Liao for all his effort in providing quality material that offers unique and real insights. I recommend this book to anyone interested in deepening their understanding of Qigong. As an acupuncturist, I find this book is a perfect recommendation for patients looking to learn more about Qigong for health.

7 of 9 people found the following review helpful.
Read it at least three times and practice ten thousand times
By L. Lieu
This is a very clear instruction book for the basics for chi gong, taichi chuan and other internal martial arts.
Many of the explanations will guide you to avoid the common pitfalls in your quest for wisdom.
Quality is more important than quantity. Softness is life.
There is no shortcut to sucess.

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