Rabu, 30 Juli 2014

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Poverty and Exclusion of Minorities in China and India, by A. Bhalla, D. Luo

Poverty and Exclusion of Minorities in China and India, by A. Bhalla, D. Luo

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Poverty and Exclusion of Minorities in China and India, by A. Bhalla, D. Luo

Muslim minorities in China and India form only a small fraction of their respective populations, yet as they principally live in troubled border states, they are of key strategic importance in the war on terror. In this global context, this book explores whether economics is more important than the suppression of rights in explaining social unrest.

  • Sales Rank: #3310422 in eBooks
  • Published on: 2012-11-14
  • Released on: 2012-11-14
  • Format: Kindle eBook


'Path-breaking book...highly scholarly in the presentation and analysis of the data...not only valuable from a scholarly point of view but also a practical one, meaning that it can help authorities in the drafting of sensible and humane policies' Professor Colin Mackerras, Department of International Business and Asian Studies, Griffith University, Australia, Asian Ethnicity

'This is a rare book, and probably the first of its kind. Unique also is the analytical rigour on the lines of empirical evidence-based research, essential especially when the topics are considered sensitive. A case study of the socio-political scene in Kashmir is useful reading' Dr Abusaleh Shariff, Executive Director, US-India Policy Institute, Washington DC; formerly, Member-Secretary, Prime Minister's High-Level Committee on Muslims, Government of India, Hindu

'Bhalla and Luo have presented a vast body of data. The book is worth reading'. Dr Ashok Desai, Consultant Editor, Business World, New Delhi; formerly Chief Economic Adviser, Government of India, Journal of Quantitative Economics

'Path-breaking and highly scholarly work with rigorous analysis examining the incidence of poverty, extent of inequality and access to education, health and other public services among the Muslim minorities'. Dr Quazi Shahabuddin, former Director-General, Bangladesh Institute of Development Studies, Dhaka

'Bhalla-Luo well-researched and cogently argued book on the position of minorities in China and India is a very notable contribution indeed. Discussions of the status of minorities in Asia or even in the world that fail to cite it should be regarded as incomplete'. Dr Barry Sautman, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology

'This book is unique as being the first comparing poverty and exclusion of ethnic minorities in China and India and can be supposed to become widely cited'. Professor Björn A. Gustafsson, University of Gothenburg, Sweden and Institute for Labour Research (IZA), Bonn, Germany

About the Author
A.S. BHALLA (M.A. Cantab.; Ph.D, Manchester) is Special Professor, School of Contemporary Chinese Studies, University of Nottingham, UK. Formerly, he was a Fellow of Sidney Sussex College, Cambridge, UK. His earlier relevant publications include Poverty and Inequality among Chinese Minorities, Poverty and Exclusion in a Global World, and Uneven Development in the Third World: A Study of China and India.
DAN LUO (Ph.D. Nottingham) is Lecturer, School of Contemporary Chinese Studies, University of Nottingham, UK.

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Selasa, 29 Juli 2014

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Un espíritu invencible (Spanish Edition), by Nick Vujicic

Nick Vujicic, el querido y aclamado autor del bestseller internacional Una vida sin límites regresa con un libro de inspiración imparable.

Millones de personas en todo el mundo reconocen el rostro sonriente y el mensaje inspirador de Nick Vujicic. A pesar de haber nacido sin brazos ni piernas, los retos que enfrentó no le impidieron disfrutar de grandes aventuras, de una carrera plena y gratificante, y de relaciones amorosas satisfactorias.

Un espíritu invencible fue inspirado por gente de todas las edades y de todo el mundo que le han preguntado a Nick cómo ha superado ciertos retos específicos y cómo les recomienda que los afronten. En este libro, Nick nos cuenta la forma en que ha enfrentado adversidades y circunstancias tales como:

- Pensamientos y adicciones autodestructivas.
- Problemas en las relaciones amorosas.
- Desafíos profesionales y laborales.
- Bullying, hostigamiento e intolerancia.
- Enfermedades y discapacidad.
- Desequilibrio de cuerpo, mente y espíritu.

"Ser un espíritu invencible es creer y lograr. Es tener fe en uno mismo, en nuestro talento y en nuestro propósito; y, sobre todo, en el gran amor de Dios y Su plan divino para nuestra vida."

  • Sales Rank: #1122407 in eBooks
  • Published on: 2012-12-15
  • Released on: 2012-12-15
  • Format: Kindle eBook

About the Author
Born in 1982 in Brisbane, Australia, without any

medical explanation or warning, Nicholas Vujicic

came into the world with neither arms nor legs.

Imagine the shock his parents felt when they

saw their first-born brand new baby boy for the

first time, only to find he was what the world

would consider imperfect and abnormal. A

limbless son was not what nurse Dushka Vujicic,

and her husband Pastor Boris Vujicic had been

expecting. How would their son live a normal

happy life? What could he ever do or become

when living with such a massive disability? Little

did they or anyone else know that this beautiful

limbless baby would one day be someone

who would inspire and motivate people from all

walks of life. God uses Nick to touch lives and

bring the hope of Jesus Christ to people across

the globe.

Now at 27 years old, this limbless young man

has accomplished more than most people accomplish

in a lifetime. Nick recently moved to

California, USA, where he is the president of an

international non-profit organization, Life Without

Limbs, and also has his own motivational

speaking company, Attitude Is Altitude.

Most helpful customer reviews

1 of 1 people found the following review helpful.
Excellent book
By Ina R Bivens
My husband and I are missionaries in Mexico. I try to find quality books to share with the older children here at the children's home. I am reading this book in English, and ordered it to share. It is an excellent testimony of the grace of God and the power of a positive outlook on life to overcome difficulties. After reading Nick's first book I couldn't wait to get my hands on this one. He is truly a great example of an unstoppable spirit.
Ina Ruth Bivens

1 of 1 people found the following review helpful.
By Yolanda Ortega
un libro para motivarse y darse cuenta que nada es imposible en la vida y mas a un cuando sueltas tus cargas a Dios

0 of 0 people found the following review helpful.
Un Libro Lleno de Vida y Esperanza!
By Karen A. Garcia
Un excelente libro lleno de esperanza a traves de las vivencias de Nick y ademas muchos datos de apoyo para varias situaciones criticas que vivimos hoy en dia como suicidio, bullying, trastornos alimenticios, etc.

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^ Ebook Convoy SC122 and HX229: Climax of the Battle of the Atlantic, March 1943, by Martin Middlebrook

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Convoy SC122 and HX229: Climax of the Battle of the Atlantic, March 1943, by Martin Middlebrook

Convoy SC122 and HX229: Climax of the Battle of the Atlantic, March 1943, by Martin Middlebrook

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Convoy SC122 and HX229: Climax of the Battle of the Atlantic, March 1943, by Martin Middlebrook


Winston Churchill wrote, “The only thing that ever really frightened me during the war was the U-boat peril.” Had the convoy link between North America and Britain been broken, the course of World War II would have been different. As it was, there was a period during the winter of 1942-43 when the Germans came close to cutting the North Atlantic lifeline. In the first twenty days of March, 1943, the Germans sank ninety-seven Allied merchant ships – twice the rate of replacement. During the same period seven U-boats were lost and fourteen put in service. No wonder Churchill was worried.

Convoys SC122 and HX229 sailed from New York harbor for England early in March 1943. Admiral Doenitz deployed forty-two U-boats to trap those two convoys. Twenty-one merchant ships were sunk in the ensuing battle. The Germans called it “the greatest convoy battle of all time.” It was a major turning point in the Battle of the Atlantic.

In Convoy, every maneuver of the merchant ships, their escort vessels, the long range aircraft cover, and the attacking U-boats is documented in a powerful narrative that will recall for many readers Nicholas Monsarrat’s best-selling novel The Cruel Sea.

In many ways, this book could be the story of any of the hundreds of convoys that sailed the ocean during the war. One important chapter throws new light on three controversial aspects of the Battle of the Atlantic: why there was an “Air Gap” long after full air cover could have been provided, why the convoys had to sail with dangerously weak naval escorts; and how the Allies outwitted the Germans in the radio decoding war.


  • Sales Rank: #774079 in eBooks
  • Published on: 2011-07-12
  • Released on: 2012-12-01
  • Format: Kindle eBook

An excellent record of a vital period of naval history. Ausmarine

About the Author
Martin Middlebrook is an author and historian.

Most helpful customer reviews

0 of 0 people found the following review helpful.
and there was some person viewpoints that I really liked. It made the people much more real
By Anna Suhy
The detail was there, and there was some person viewpoints that I really liked. It made the people much more real.

0 of 0 people found the following review helpful.
Great storytelling.
By Amazon Customer
Martin Middlebrook is my favorite military history author. Wonderfully written telling the story of the height of a battle that few people have paid much attention too. First Class as are all of his books. You will not be disappointed.

0 of 0 people found the following review helpful.
Submarine Warfare
By David Hollingsworth
An accurately depicted overview, shown from the perspectives of both the Axis and Allied sides of the perils of WWII Submarine warfare that was waged against the convoys.

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^ Ebook Convoy SC122 and HX229: Climax of the Battle of the Atlantic, March 1943, by Martin Middlebrook Doc

Senin, 28 Juli 2014

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Schaum's Outline of Calculus, 6th Edition: 1,105 Solved Problems + 30 Videos (Schaum's Outlines), by Frank Ayres, Elliott Mendelson

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Fortunately, there's Schaum's. This all-in-one-package includes more than 1,100 fully solved problems, examples, and practice exercises to sharpen your problem-solving skills. Plus, you will have access to 30 detailed videos featuring Math instructors who explain how to solve the most commonly tested problems--it's just like having your own virtual tutor! You’ll find everything you need to build confidence, skills, and knowledge for the highest score possible.

More than 40 million students have trusted Schaum's to help them succeed in the classroom and on exams. Schaum's is the key to faster learning and higher grades in every subject. Each Outline presents all the essential course information in an easy-to-follow, topic-by-topic format. You also get hundreds of examples, solved problems, and practice exercises to test your skills.

This Schaum's Outline gives you

  • 1,105 fully solved problems
  • Concise explanations of all calculus concepts
  • Expert tips on using the graphing calculator

Fully compatible with your classroom text, Schaum's highlights all the important facts you need to know. Use Schaum's to shorten your study time--and get your best test scores!

  • Sales Rank: #96680 in eBooks
  • Published on: 2012-11-16
  • Released on: 2012-11-16
  • Format: Kindle eBook

About the Author

Frank Ayres Jr., PhD, was a professor and a department head at Dickinson College in Carlisle, Pennsylvania.
Elliott Mendelson, PhD, is a professor of mathematics at Queens College in New York City.

Most helpful customer reviews

19 of 20 people found the following review helpful.
A Helpful Calculus Review Book
By Thomas Edward
I used this book as a way to help me to review Calculus since there have been a number of years between the time when I took Calculus and now.

The sheer number of solved problems is a strong point in and of itself. For me, though, the real strength of this book is it's presentation of topics that I don't find often see in other calculus texts. Specifically, I saw techniques of differentiation and integration that I have never seen in introductory Calculus texts before - and some of these techniques are critical for being able to evaluate certain types of derivatives/integrals.

Like almost any "Outline Series" book, you don't get as much background exposition of the subject matter as you would in a standard text. However, this is to be expected from this type of book, and it doesn't detract from the material.

10 of 11 people found the following review helpful.
eBook is practically a SCAM!
By Jacob Mosher
I downloaded the sample to my Kindle Paperwhite. The pictures presented in the book are TERRIBLY small! There is no way I am buying this in eBook format. Why on earth would you sell people a product that doesn't work? You'll need magnifying glasses to properly look at the MANY tiny equations.

6 of 6 people found the following review helpful.
Do Yourself a Favor. Invest Now, and Make Your Life Easier.
Don't even think about taking Calculus without first demolishing the Schaum Series book. It makes your life so much simpler. If you are already knee-deep into Calc, then hurry up and order this book. Also invest in Trigonometry book as a companion. You will learn calc faster if you have trig down first.

See all 57 customer reviews...

Schaum's Outline of Calculus, 6th Edition: 1,105 Solved Problems + 30 Videos (Schaum's Outlines), by Frank Ayres, Elliott Mendelson PDF
Schaum's Outline of Calculus, 6th Edition: 1,105 Solved Problems + 30 Videos (Schaum's Outlines), by Frank Ayres, Elliott Mendelson EPub
Schaum's Outline of Calculus, 6th Edition: 1,105 Solved Problems + 30 Videos (Schaum's Outlines), by Frank Ayres, Elliott Mendelson Doc
Schaum's Outline of Calculus, 6th Edition: 1,105 Solved Problems + 30 Videos (Schaum's Outlines), by Frank Ayres, Elliott Mendelson iBooks
Schaum's Outline of Calculus, 6th Edition: 1,105 Solved Problems + 30 Videos (Schaum's Outlines), by Frank Ayres, Elliott Mendelson rtf
Schaum's Outline of Calculus, 6th Edition: 1,105 Solved Problems + 30 Videos (Schaum's Outlines), by Frank Ayres, Elliott Mendelson Mobipocket
Schaum's Outline of Calculus, 6th Edition: 1,105 Solved Problems + 30 Videos (Schaum's Outlines), by Frank Ayres, Elliott Mendelson Kindle

> Download Ebook Schaum's Outline of Calculus, 6th Edition: 1,105 Solved Problems + 30 Videos (Schaum's Outlines), by Frank Ayres, Elliott Mendelson Doc

> Download Ebook Schaum's Outline of Calculus, 6th Edition: 1,105 Solved Problems + 30 Videos (Schaum's Outlines), by Frank Ayres, Elliott Mendelson Doc

> Download Ebook Schaum's Outline of Calculus, 6th Edition: 1,105 Solved Problems + 30 Videos (Schaum's Outlines), by Frank Ayres, Elliott Mendelson Doc
> Download Ebook Schaum's Outline of Calculus, 6th Edition: 1,105 Solved Problems + 30 Videos (Schaum's Outlines), by Frank Ayres, Elliott Mendelson Doc

Jumat, 25 Juli 2014

~~ Ebook Free Spirit Engine, by John Donlan

Ebook Free Spirit Engine, by John Donlan

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Spirit Engine, by John Donlan

Spirit Engine, by John Donlan

Spirit Engine, by John Donlan

Ebook Free Spirit Engine, by John Donlan

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Spirit Engine, by John Donlan

John Donlan’s lyric work seeks the connection between lives—not just the life of a coyote and the life of a man, or the peaceful cacophony of a pond in summer and the life of the human listener—but between the life before birth, and the life after. He reveals the wilderness to us moment by moment, while simultaneously driving us back into our own nature—a process readers, lifted by Donlan’s imagery, rhythms, and insights, can only experience as pure pleasure. Here beauty is the engine that enspirits the mind, freeing us from contemporary despair and the illusion we’ve left nature behind. Devil’s Paintbrush. In my slow-burning archive orange hawkweed thrives in granite-charactered soil spalled off the basement stone, a beaver labours up her steep skid road logging poplar for food and shelter, wind drives rivers of ripples down a pond. Everything here knows what to do. I investigate every valve, work and rework notes to husks, skeletal remains, survivors who revive experience. I try to memorize, to make some pictures to walk into, in the final time when I can’t walk or hear or see, and see lake-cradling pink granite, its orange earth, its skin of lives flickering, flickering.

  • Sales Rank: #3597626 in eBooks
  • Published on: 2008-01-01
  • Released on: 2008-01-01
  • Format: Kindle eBook

"The trajectory of the poems - the music of their struggle and commitment - from Domestic Economy through to Spirit Engine, has a unity, logic, beauty, and integrity too rare in contemporary writing." -- Ken Babstock

."..A fervent combination of soul-searching and nature appreciation. He may be treading a well-worn path, but he makes his own mark upon it."--Barbara Carey, The Toronto Star

."..A keenly seasoned observer of our 'vulnerable cathedral'... metaphysically lush and metaphorically rich..."--Judith Fitzgerald, The Globe and Mail

"I had the impression of a gifted outdoor sketcher working fast in failing light... Donlan goes his own way, partly by adding personal experiences to this mix of woodland glimpses and self-examination, and partly by refusing to be cowed by the mea-culpa-chanting school of much recent nature poetry."--Peter Richardson, Arc Poetry Magazine

" ... A fervent combination of soul-searching and nature appreciation. He may be treading a well-worn path, but he makes his own mark upon it."--Barbara Carey, The Toronto Star

" ... A keenly seasoned observer of our ovulnerable cathedral' ... metaphysically lush and metaphorically rich ... "--Judith Fitzgerald, The Globe and Mail

"I had the impression of a gifted outdoor sketcher working fast in failing light ... Donlan goes his own way, partly by adding personal experiences to this mix of woodland glimpses and self-examination, and partly by refusing to be cowed by the mea-culpa-chanting school of much recent nature poetry."--Peter Richardson, Arc Poetry Magazine

About the Author
Donlan lives in Vancouver half the year, where he works as a reference librarian for the Vancouver Public Library. For the other six months, he lives on a lake north of Kingston, Ontario, surrounded by 177 acres of wilderness. Spirit Engine is his fourth collection of poetry.

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* PDF Ebook Living Artfully: A Heart-full Guide of Ideas and Inspirations That Celebrate Life, Love, and Moments That Matter, by Sandra Magsamen

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Living Artfully: A Heart-full Guide of Ideas and Inspirations That Celebrate Life, Love, and Moments That Matter, by Sandra Magsamen

Living Artfully: A Heart-full Guide of Ideas and Inspirations That Celebrate Life, Love, and Moments That Matter, by Sandra Magsamen

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Living Artfully: A Heart-full Guide of Ideas and Inspirations That Celebrate Life, Love, and Moments That Matter, by Sandra Magsamen

Many people today are looking outside themselves for well-being and happiness when what they're searching for has been inside them all along." -- Sandra Magsamen

Living artfully is expressing who you are through the moments that you create. Living Artfully reminds us to explore and experience life with more heart, meaning, purpose, and joy. It asks us to imagine, to dream big, to believe in ourselves, to celebrate the people in our lives, make each day count, dance when the spirit moves us, laugh out loud, and let our voices be heard.

In this beautiful, life-changing book, acclaimed artist and entrepreneur Sandra Magsamen will transform everything you think you know about art, creativity, and personal fulfillment. And she'll show you that you've already got just what you need in your own two hands to create the life of joy and beauty that you want -- for yourself and others.

Living Artfully puts you in direct touch with your own imagination, where the only rule is there are no rules. Warm, encouraging, always good-humored, it is full of inspiring stories about people who pursue their own creative impulses and are rewarded with unexpected and delightful results. By following the ten principles of Living Artfully -- Magsamen's own dynamic process of creative thinking and being -- you will embark on an exciting personal journey of self-discovery. You'll learn how to connect with everyone in your life in inventive new ways, through everyday things, caring gestures, meaningful moments, and simple gifts that really make a difference. You'll also discover how, where, and when you can use your own creative language -- the images, words, sounds, foods, or crafts through which you most easily express yourself.

To Sandra Magsamen, Living Artfully is connection. It's the ultimate form of communication. It's recognizing and embracing your own powerful, creative abilities. And the first step on the journey to Living Artfully is to rediscover the gifts of imagination, curiosity, and playfulness -- gifts that you already possess. Each chapter presents a wealth of practical and fun ideas that you can tailor to suit your own circumstances and preferences and that will jump-start your imagination and free dormant or forgotten talents. By giving yourself permission to be yourself, you'll embark on a personal renaissance, connecting with your inherent sense of fun and optimism and discovering that even simple tasks of everyday life can become perfect, natural outlets for your newfound creativity.

Filled with Sandra's stunning, four-color, signature artwork, Living Artfully is not a how-to book but a why-to -- uplifting, motivational, and fun. It is also a guide into a new cultural movement in which people choose to live with a creative purpose, celebrating the people, places, and moments that make life truly meaningful.

  • Sales Rank: #1303034 in eBooks
  • Published on: 2013-08-20
  • Released on: 2013-08-20
  • Format: Kindle eBook

"Open this charming book on any page and you will find fresh ideas for making your life more satisfyingly creative and fulfilling. Sandra Magsamen's generous mind shines through her writing and seems to brighten one's whole world. This is a book to pick up every day for a refresher course in how to live a beautiful life."-- Betty Edwards, author of Drawing on the Right Side of the Brain

"Living Artfully is bulging and vibrating with creative illuminations, inspired action-taking, and insightful reflections on the art and joy of being splendidly human. Sheer delight!"-- SARK, author/artist SARK's New Creative Companion, www.planetsark.com

"Sandra's ideas about how to live a life filled with joy, meaning, authenticity, and creativity will never go out of style. Meaningful, inspired, and classic, Living Artfully is destined to positively and forever change the lives of individuals, communities, and the world."-- Albert Nipon

"Magsamen's book is full of warmth, beauty, creativity, and a deep love for the world and all that is in it. . . . A practical vision for a meaningful, joyful life."-- Roger Housden, author of Ten Poems to Change Your Life and Seven Sins for a Life Worth Living

"A beautiful reminder of the power that radiates from the smallest act of kindness. Creative, inspiring, honest, and heartfelt, this book will touch the lives and hearts of many people all over the world."-- Dame Anita Roddick, founder of The Body Shop

"Joyful inspiration and wise guidance for discovering true happiness. Living Artfully is a practical handbook for embracing 'La Dolce Vita' -- the sweet, soulful life."-- Michael J. Gelb, author of How to Think Like Leonardo da Vinci and Discover Your Genius

"You can live your dreams with help from Sandra Magsamen's inspired Living Artfully. This book will change your outlook forever. It's a beautiful guide to the art of living."-- Kathy Ireland, Chief Designer and CEO, Kathy Ireland Worldwide

"A joyful approach to daily life, woven with heartwarming anecdotes, inspiring quotes, and a multitude of creative ideas."-- Jennifer Appel, owner of The Buttercup Bake Shop and author of The Buttercup Bake Shop Cookbook

"This is a warm and practical book."-- Dr. Edward de Bono, author of Six Thinking Hats and Lateral Thinking: Creativity Step by Step

About the Author
Sandra Magsamen is an internationally acclaimed artist and author who shares her meaningful messages and motifs through a widely popular range of books, ceramic gifts, cookware, stationery, home decor items, greeting cards, and calendars, all bearing her signature images and Messages from the Heart™. She lives in Maryland with her family.Visit the author at www.SandraMagsamen.com

Most helpful customer reviews

3 of 3 people found the following review helpful.
Wonderful Book!
By little bird
I just loved this book - It is very uplifting, inspiring and an easy read with wonderful ideas to make everyone you know feel special and loved. I often give this book as a gift to friends and relatives. It is one of the few gifts I give that the recipient always calls me to let me know how much they have loved the book too!

2 of 2 people found the following review helpful.
Beautiful Book
By L. Bly
This is an amazing and beautiful book for someone working on personal growth and wanting to bring art into your life.

1 of 1 people found the following review helpful.
Love it
By Im Scarlet
Really interesting with things you want to do and can do. Some of the books on the market like this are filled with things that are not really for me or would such a big effort but this is practical, doable, enjoyable. Adds spice to your life. I like books like this. Used to read Alexandra Stoddard's books and this is similar but different.

See all 5 customer reviews...

Living Artfully: A Heart-full Guide of Ideas and Inspirations That Celebrate Life, Love, and Moments That Matter, by Sandra Magsamen PDF
Living Artfully: A Heart-full Guide of Ideas and Inspirations That Celebrate Life, Love, and Moments That Matter, by Sandra Magsamen EPub
Living Artfully: A Heart-full Guide of Ideas and Inspirations That Celebrate Life, Love, and Moments That Matter, by Sandra Magsamen Doc
Living Artfully: A Heart-full Guide of Ideas and Inspirations That Celebrate Life, Love, and Moments That Matter, by Sandra Magsamen iBooks
Living Artfully: A Heart-full Guide of Ideas and Inspirations That Celebrate Life, Love, and Moments That Matter, by Sandra Magsamen rtf
Living Artfully: A Heart-full Guide of Ideas and Inspirations That Celebrate Life, Love, and Moments That Matter, by Sandra Magsamen Mobipocket
Living Artfully: A Heart-full Guide of Ideas and Inspirations That Celebrate Life, Love, and Moments That Matter, by Sandra Magsamen Kindle

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* PDF Ebook Living Artfully: A Heart-full Guide of Ideas and Inspirations That Celebrate Life, Love, and Moments That Matter, by Sandra Magsamen Doc

* PDF Ebook Living Artfully: A Heart-full Guide of Ideas and Inspirations That Celebrate Life, Love, and Moments That Matter, by Sandra Magsamen Doc
* PDF Ebook Living Artfully: A Heart-full Guide of Ideas and Inspirations That Celebrate Life, Love, and Moments That Matter, by Sandra Magsamen Doc

Kamis, 24 Juli 2014

! Download PDF Pressure Cooker Cookbook (The Basic Basics), by Marguerite Patten

Download PDF Pressure Cooker Cookbook (The Basic Basics), by Marguerite Patten

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Pressure Cooker Cookbook (The Basic Basics), by Marguerite Patten

Pressure Cooker Cookbook (The Basic Basics), by Marguerite Patten

Pressure Cooker Cookbook (The Basic Basics), by Marguerite Patten

Download PDF Pressure Cooker Cookbook (The Basic Basics), by Marguerite Patten

Pressure Cooker Cookbook (The Basic Basics), By Marguerite Patten. Provide us 5 minutes and also we will reveal you the best book to check out today. This is it, the Pressure Cooker Cookbook (The Basic Basics), By Marguerite Patten that will certainly be your best option for far better reading book. Your five times will certainly not spend squandered by reading this internet site. You could take guide as a resource making much better principle. Referring guides Pressure Cooker Cookbook (The Basic Basics), By Marguerite Patten that can be positioned with your requirements is at some time difficult. However below, this is so easy. You can locate the most effective thing of book Pressure Cooker Cookbook (The Basic Basics), By Marguerite Patten that you can review.

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Pressure Cooker Cookbook (The Basic Basics), by Marguerite Patten

Slow-cooked flavor in a fast-paced world - pressure cookers are one of the greenest cooking methods imaginable. Sales are on the increase and even Jamie Oliver has launched one of his own. They allow us to cook quickly, cheaply and efficiently because the food is cooked in liquid at temperatures far higher than in a conventional pan, which shortens cooking time by up to 70 percent. Because the method seals in flavor, cheaper ingredients can be used to great effect and since the cooking time is far shorter you save time and gas or electricity. The pressure cooker presents a distinct advantage for certain foods and for ingredients that need long cooking, it is a real winner. The most dramatic time and energy savings come with meat and poultry. Braised beef can be perfectly cooked in 30 minutes, osso bucco in 25 minutes and a chicken tagine in 15 minutes. Perfect for today’s cooks.

Marguerite Patten, doyenne of British cookery, shares her wealth of knowledge and her tried and tested recipes for pressure cookers. Marguerite is Britain’s top selling cookery writer with sales totaling over 17 million copies and is the author of The Basic Basics Jams, Preserves and Chutneys Handbook (one of Grub Street’s top-selling titles), The Basic Basics Baking Handbook and The Basic Basics Soups Handbook.

  • Sales Rank: #1819723 in eBooks
  • Published on: 2010-08-22
  • Released on: 2012-12-05
  • Format: Kindle eBook

About the Author
Hilda Elsie Marguerite Patten, CBE (born 4 November 1915), née Brown, is an English home economist, food writer and broadcaster. Marguerite is Britain’s top selling cookery writer with sales totaling over 17 million copies and is the author of The Basic Basics Jams, Preserves and Chutneys Handbook (one of Grub Street’s top-selling titles), The Basic Basics Baking Handbook and The Basic Basics Soups Handbook.

Most helpful customer reviews

2 of 2 people found the following review helpful.
One of my basic references - from the library. I never received this copy.
By Bob K.
This is one of the best books for someone rediscovering the utility of a pressure cooker. Well written, comprehensive and with tasty recipes as well as basic how-to. After I'd re-borrowed from the library so often it got embarrassing, I decided to find my own copy. Unfortunately, PayPal gave the seller my old address (I'd moved in the last few months). I purged any reference to the old address with PayPal but never got the book, found it at the old address, or resolved the issue with the seller.
In the interim, I bought several other pressure cooker cookbooks, all of which included much of the same basic information, so the loss is less important. However, I found this the best presentation - perhaps because it was my first - and still borrow it occasionally to check something.
I recommend the book highly to anyone who is considering pressure cooking or who has found themselves with one. If only at the consideration stage, I strongly recommend getting one of the new Euro-style stainless models. Over the years I've used (and misused) the traditional aluminum "bobble tops" - and repaired the damage from one (not mine) that went ballistic. Impressive, very impressive. That deterred me for years.

1 of 1 people found the following review helpful.
By G. Flenley
As a new-comer to pressure cookers, I have found this book very helpful. It gives you basic principles which then provide the foundation for continuous ;earning, The combination of metric and US measurements is very helpful.

6 of 9 people found the following review helpful.
Best basic information
By M. Rennoldson
This is the best book I have found that gives basic information. If you are just getting started using a pressure cooker this is the book for you.

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@ Ebook Download The Texas Cookbook: From Barbecue to Banquet-an Informal View of Dining and Entertaining the Texas Way (Great American Cooking Series)By

Ebook Download The Texas Cookbook: From Barbecue to Banquet-an Informal View of Dining and Entertaining the Texas Way (Great American Cooking Series)By

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The Texas Cookbook: From Barbecue to Banquet-an Informal View of Dining and Entertaining the Texas Way (Great American Cooking Series)By

The Texas Cookbook: From Barbecue to Banquet-an Informal View of Dining and Entertaining the Texas Way (Great American Cooking Series)By

The Texas Cookbook: From Barbecue to Banquet-an Informal View of Dining and Entertaining the Texas Way (Great American Cooking Series)By

Ebook Download The Texas Cookbook: From Barbecue to Banquet-an Informal View of Dining and Entertaining the Texas Way (Great American Cooking Series)By

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The Texas Cookbook: From Barbecue to Banquet-an Informal View of Dining and Entertaining the Texas Way (Great American Cooking Series)By

This delightful collection captures the flavor and diversity of the cuisine of the Lone Star State. The Texas Cookbook presents recipes ranging from down-home cooking to high-class affairs, from regional favorites to ethnic specialties. Mary Faulk Koock traveled throughout Texas gathering recipes from ranch kitchens and city hostesses. Scattered among these are the author’s anecdotes from her vast and varied encounters with the famous and influential. In Austin John Henry Faulk, the author’s brother, savors Quail Pie with J. Frank Dobie, Walter Prescott, Roy Bedichek, and Mody Boatright. Fort Worth’s Van Cliburn enjoys the hostess’ biscuits and offers his own recipe for a whole-wheat variety. Here is Lady Bird Johnson’s Peach Ice Cream (the LBJ Ranch) and some expected classics such as Lee’s Chili (Amarillo), Venison Roast (the King Ranch), and Black-eyed Peas with Okra (Austin). But you will also find the unusual in Roasted Wild Turkey (the Hill Country), Fried Apricot Pies (Fredericksburg), and Watermelon Rind Preserves (Luling). Regional contributions shine in Sauerbraten (Kerrville), Salsa Brava (Brownsville) and Crawfish Etouffee (Beaumont). At the home of friends in Dallas Koock reveals the recipe for Chicken Cannelloni served after an opera. We share in her delight with Persimmon Salad in San Antonio, Cold Breast of Duck with Orange Slices in Houston, and Cebollas Rellenas from the Rio Grande Valley. Where else can you learn the story behind Slumgullion, a purported concoction of Fort Worth’s Amon Carter, Sr., and friend Will Rogers, or find the recipe for Pepparkakor (Swedish Ginger Cookies) from the Austin area? Other cities with recipes featured are Tyler, Abilene, Rockdale, El Paso, Waco, Columbus, and Corpus Christi. Much more than a cookbook, this collection offers a look at a way of life and entertaining, Texas style.

  • Sales Rank: #2200763 in eBooks
  • Published on: 2012-11-30
  • Released on: 2012-11-30
  • Format: Kindle eBook

"Mary Faulk Koock’s The Texas Cookbook has been a classic since it was published in 1965." -- Sharon Hudgins, Dallas Morning News

About the Author
Mary Faulk Koock traveled throughout Texas gathering recipes ranging from down-home cooking to high-class affairs, from regional favorites to ethnic specialties. Scattered among these are the author’s anecdotes from her vast and varied encounters with the famous and influential.

Most helpful customer reviews

9 of 9 people found the following review helpful.
A wonderful collection of recipes and anecdotal stories
By Midwest Book Review
Mary Koock's The Texas Cookbook: From Barbecue To Banquet - An Informal View Of Dining And Entertaining The Texas Way is a wonderful collection of recipes and anecdotal stories the showcase the diversity of Texas cuisine ranging from down-home cooking to high-class affairs, and from regional favorites to ethnic specialities. From Mom's Potato Cake; Lime Light Pie; Watermelon Cake; and Sam's Charcoaled Fish; to Mae Shepherd's Curry Chicken Salad; Bernice Rosalind's Lemon Bisque; Honey Walnut Bread, and Jean Kritser's Pickled Okra, The Texas Cookbook is a superbly presented, highly recommended compendium of fine eating and background stories.

3 of 3 people found the following review helpful.
Great recipes, even better stories!
By M. Lowery
This is so much more than a cookbook! It's a snapshot of life in Texas in the '60s, and even includes stories from years prior when Mary Koock was a girl. Mrs. Koock wrote about some people as if the reader should automatically know who they all were, but even if you don't, it gives the book a familiar feel, as if the author is taking you into her confidence and sharing these anecdotes with you as she would with a friend. Her writing is dynamic, and I actually laughed out loud several times while reading the book. To be honest, I haven't actually made any of the recipes yet, but I have no doubt they'll turn out wonderfully. Even if they didn't, I would still love this book.

1 of 1 people found the following review helpful.
Two words: Camptown Brownies! Insanely entertaining cookbook.
By SarahBAustin
Anyone familiar with the legendary Austin, Texas restaurant "Green Pastures" will immediately intuit how wonderful a culinary visionary Mrs. Koock truly was. To put pen to paper was to provide to the rest of us a very, very generous legacy on her part. This seminal 1960s Central Texas cookbook is as go-to as it gets. It's an excellent read (there is a current local radio ad for Central Market with the voiceover asking: "Have you ever read a cookbook and thought, 'This would make an excellent movie!'?" Well, this cookbook would, in fact, make an excellent movie! Weird, right, that a cookbook would be an entertaining read? Perhaps we shouldn't be so surprised: after all, she was the sister of the late storyteller and entertainer John Henry Faulk.). This cookbook is better even than just about any regional Junior League cookbook collection -- and that's saying A LOT. I love and avidly collect well-vetted compendia, but this cookbook knocks the fundraisers out of the park. I was fortunate enough to inherit my mom's signed copy of this cookbook, but I encourage anyone with any curiosity about it to run and buy it -- and don't worry if it's dog-eared and loved -- all the better, in my opinion. Others have mentioned fabulous recipes to come out of this cookbook, but I have to say, the "Camptown Brownie" recipe contained within is the best scratch brownie recipe I've ever made/had/tasted -- if you like a very dense, sticky, fudgy "rocky road" brownie, you've found your indulgence charm. Seriously, on so many levels, you won't go wrong selecting this cookbook.

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Rabu, 23 Juli 2014

> Download Ebook Conquest: Cortes, Montezuma, and the Fall of Old Mexico, by Hugh Thomas

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Conquest: Cortes, Montezuma, and the Fall of Old Mexico, by Hugh Thomas

Conquest: Cortes, Montezuma, and the Fall of Old Mexico, by Hugh Thomas

Conquest: Cortes, Montezuma, and the Fall of Old Mexico, by Hugh Thomas

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Conquest: Cortes, Montezuma, and the Fall of Old Mexico, by Hugh Thomas

Drawing on newly discovered sources and writing with brilliance, drama, and profound historical insight, Hugh Thomas presents an engrossing narrative of one of the most significant events of Western history.

Ringing with the fury of two great empires locked in an epic battle, Conquest captures in extraordinary detail the Mexican and Spanish civilizations and offers unprecedented in-depth portraits of the legendary opponents, Montezuma and Cortés. Conquest is an essential work of history from one of our most gifted historians.

  • Sales Rank: #226978 in eBooks
  • Published on: 2013-04-16
  • Released on: 2013-04-16
  • Format: Kindle eBook

From Publishers Weekly
British historian Thomas's epic, spellbinding narrative history of conquistador Hernan Cortes's destruction of Montezuma's Aztec empire is a stunning meditation on Christian Spain's cataclysmic encounter with native American civilization. Thomas ( The Spanish Civil War ) plunges us into the cultural milieu of the Aztecs' militarized, collectivist, rigidly stratified society, one free of beggars or crime, but where human sacrifice was a sacred rite. He portrays Aztec emperor Montezuma as a tragic figure, an inflexible, fatalistic man who, in 1519, became Cortes's hostage, agreeing "to stay with the Castilians until the truth were known" about the killing of one of Cortes's lieutenants. Under the influence of his captors, Montezuma lost power and the respect of his people, who ultimately stoned him at a public appearance in 1520. Montezuma, we are told, was mesmerized by Cortes to the end, developing a "'kind of affection . . . which victims of kidnappings often have for their captors." Although not above murder, torture and massacres, Cortes considered himself a devout Christian and believed he was performing a service by offering the Aztecs a new spiritual world. Illustrations not seen by PW .
Copyright 1994 Reed Business Information, Inc.

From Library Journal
Digging into thousands of pages of legal testimony given in the 1520s by participants in Cortes's expedition against the Mexico of ancient Mesoamerica, Thomas revisits the Spanish invasion of the Aztec Empire. The result is a richer account of the personalities, events, and social setting of this momentous episode than currently exists in accessible form. The complex genealogical interweaving of Castilian and Mexican royal families, the intricacies of battle strategy and tactics, the labyrinthine political machinations, and the brutal imposition of external standards of behavior and belief--all are described in a gripping narrative by Thomas, a British academic. His sterling achievement is to illustrate the complex historical foundation of modern Mexico. Although the book is intended for a general audience, extensive chapter-by-chapter endnotes and an annotated bibliography of major sources reveal the depth of the author's scholarship. No library should be without this important contribution to Latin American history.
- William S. Dancey, Ohio State Univ., Columbus
Copyright 1994 Reed Business Information, Inc.

From Booklist
Taking his cue from William Prescott's definitive nineteenth-century history of the conquest, Thomas has written a scholarly, fascinating, richly detailed history. Virtually every aspect of both Castilian and Aztec society is examined microscopically; Thomas views the conflict as a clash of two equally confident, aggressive, and militaristic cultures. Thomas sometimes ignores the power of the "story" within the history; as a result, the general reader may be overwhelmed by his exhaustive attention to detail. However, for the scholar of the period, this work should be required reading. Jay Freeman

Most helpful customer reviews

95 of 99 people found the following review helpful.
Impressive description of another era
By Center Man
This would be worth a look simply because Thomas does what all good historians should: sink their readers deeply into past ages and former cultures by way of a fascinating story.
But even better . . .
Recent histories of the Spanish Conquest tend to emphasize the atrocities of the conquistadors while upholding the virtues of the indigenous peoples. While well-intentioned (and a needed corrective to chronicles written in the previous 100 years), the approach has an annoying tendency to demonize Europeans, turn the natives into statuary and drain all the drama from the past.
So I'm grateful for Hugh Thomas and his neo-revisionist history. The Spaniards are ultimately the heavies, but presented with all their complexities and ambitions on display (who knew Hernan Cortes could be so interesting?). They aren't completely malevolent.
Similarly, Thomas avoids the Howard Zinn/PC trap of turning America into Eden and Indians into children by detailing the delicate intertwining of politics and religion in the Mexican (aka Aztec) empire, by displaying the cruelty the Mexica could occasionally summon toward their subjects and by placing it all in the proper cultural context -- as with the Spaniards, you understand why they did what they did, even if you don't approve of it.
Wrap an exquisite narrative thread around the whole package and you've got a book for the ages.

41 of 41 people found the following review helpful.
An amazing story powerfully told
By Craig Matteson
I can't praise this book enough. The story of the Spanish Conquest of Mexico through Cortez is unbelievably compelling. Even so, Mr. Thomas writes brilliantly and tells this story better than I have ever seen, read, or heard it done. He brings life to all of the characters along the way including those that came before Cortez, those that he met and made allies along the way, those he turned into enemies, and especially Montezuma. The final battle for Tenochtitlan is frightening and heartbreaking.
This is history that reads like fiction. The world of Mexico before the Conquistadors is so foreign to the Western mind that it reads almost like fiction or fantasy. Yet it all happened, and Mr. Thomas tells it with power and passion. This is a book you owe it to yourself to read. Just amazing and wonderful.

38 of 39 people found the following review helpful.
An astonishing story told in fascinating detail
By M. A Michaud
This still is the best book in English on the Spanish conquest of Mexico. Far more than most historians, Thomas explores the interconnections among the leading personalities, both Spanish and Mexican, giving the reader a feeling for the noble and the devious aspects of these sixteenth century people. Politics and the exercise of power emerge as major themes. The author brings out the contingency of history through his analysis of key events that might have gone another way. There was nothing inevitable about Cortes' ultimate success; if he had not been so clever and ruthless, he might have ended up as a human sacrifice in an Aztec temple. As it was, more than half of the conquistadors died, a casualty rate that no modern army would tolerate. The six hundred page text is supplemented by useful appendices. This book would be even better if it were more fully illustrated.

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