Selasa, 29 Juli 2014

** PDF Ebook Un espíritu invencible (Spanish Edition), by Nick Vujicic

PDF Ebook Un espíritu invencible (Spanish Edition), by Nick Vujicic

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Un espíritu invencible (Spanish Edition), by Nick Vujicic

Un espíritu invencible (Spanish Edition), by Nick Vujicic

Un espíritu invencible (Spanish Edition), by Nick Vujicic

PDF Ebook Un espíritu invencible (Spanish Edition), by Nick Vujicic

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Un espíritu invencible (Spanish Edition), by Nick Vujicic

Nick Vujicic, el querido y aclamado autor del bestseller internacional Una vida sin límites regresa con un libro de inspiración imparable.

Millones de personas en todo el mundo reconocen el rostro sonriente y el mensaje inspirador de Nick Vujicic. A pesar de haber nacido sin brazos ni piernas, los retos que enfrentó no le impidieron disfrutar de grandes aventuras, de una carrera plena y gratificante, y de relaciones amorosas satisfactorias.

Un espíritu invencible fue inspirado por gente de todas las edades y de todo el mundo que le han preguntado a Nick cómo ha superado ciertos retos específicos y cómo les recomienda que los afronten. En este libro, Nick nos cuenta la forma en que ha enfrentado adversidades y circunstancias tales como:

- Pensamientos y adicciones autodestructivas.
- Problemas en las relaciones amorosas.
- Desafíos profesionales y laborales.
- Bullying, hostigamiento e intolerancia.
- Enfermedades y discapacidad.
- Desequilibrio de cuerpo, mente y espíritu.

"Ser un espíritu invencible es creer y lograr. Es tener fe en uno mismo, en nuestro talento y en nuestro propósito; y, sobre todo, en el gran amor de Dios y Su plan divino para nuestra vida."

  • Sales Rank: #1122407 in eBooks
  • Published on: 2012-12-15
  • Released on: 2012-12-15
  • Format: Kindle eBook

About the Author
Born in 1982 in Brisbane, Australia, without any

medical explanation or warning, Nicholas Vujicic

came into the world with neither arms nor legs.

Imagine the shock his parents felt when they

saw their first-born brand new baby boy for the

first time, only to find he was what the world

would consider imperfect and abnormal. A

limbless son was not what nurse Dushka Vujicic,

and her husband Pastor Boris Vujicic had been

expecting. How would their son live a normal

happy life? What could he ever do or become

when living with such a massive disability? Little

did they or anyone else know that this beautiful

limbless baby would one day be someone

who would inspire and motivate people from all

walks of life. God uses Nick to touch lives and

bring the hope of Jesus Christ to people across

the globe.

Now at 27 years old, this limbless young man

has accomplished more than most people accomplish

in a lifetime. Nick recently moved to

California, USA, where he is the president of an

international non-profit organization, Life Without

Limbs, and also has his own motivational

speaking company, Attitude Is Altitude.

Most helpful customer reviews

1 of 1 people found the following review helpful.
Excellent book
By Ina R Bivens
My husband and I are missionaries in Mexico. I try to find quality books to share with the older children here at the children's home. I am reading this book in English, and ordered it to share. It is an excellent testimony of the grace of God and the power of a positive outlook on life to overcome difficulties. After reading Nick's first book I couldn't wait to get my hands on this one. He is truly a great example of an unstoppable spirit.
Ina Ruth Bivens

1 of 1 people found the following review helpful.
By Yolanda Ortega
un libro para motivarse y darse cuenta que nada es imposible en la vida y mas a un cuando sueltas tus cargas a Dios

0 of 0 people found the following review helpful.
Un Libro Lleno de Vida y Esperanza!
By Karen A. Garcia
Un excelente libro lleno de esperanza a traves de las vivencias de Nick y ademas muchos datos de apoyo para varias situaciones criticas que vivimos hoy en dia como suicidio, bullying, trastornos alimenticios, etc.

See all 12 customer reviews...

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