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~~ Fee Download My Teacher Glows in the Dark (My Teacher Books Book 3), by Bruce Coville

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My Teacher Glows in the Dark (My Teacher Books Book 3), by Bruce Coville

My Teacher Glows in the Dark (My Teacher Books Book 3), by Bruce Coville

My Teacher Glows in the Dark (My Teacher Books Book 3), by Bruce Coville

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My Teacher Glows in the Dark (My Teacher Books Book 3), by Bruce Coville

Kidnapped in Space?

Peter Thompson has had some pretty weird teachers in his life. By the time he discovers that his newest teacher glows in the dark, he’s flying away from Earth in a spaceship full of aliens, and there’s no one he can call. How do you report an alien to the FBI anyway?

Before Peter can do anything, he’s taken on the strangest field trip of his life! His friends, his father, his school—all are suddenly a million miles away!

  • Sales Rank: #585949 in eBooks
  • Published on: 2013-06-11
  • Released on: 2013-06-11
  • Format: Kindle eBook

About the Author
Bruce Coville has published more than one hundred books, which have sold more than sixteen million copies. Among his most popular titles are My Teacher Is an Alien, Into the Land of the Unicorns, and The Monster’s Ring. Bruce also founded Full Cast Audio, a company that creates recordings of the best in children’s and young adult literature. He lives in Syracuse, New York, with his wife, Katherine.

Excerpt. © Reprinted by permission. All rights reserved.
My Teacher Glows in the Dark CHAPTER ONE I Choose the Stars
So there we were—Susan Simmons, Duncan Dougal, and me, Peter Thompson—sitting in an alien spaceship the size of New Jersey, waiting to learn how we were supposed to save the world, when Susan said, “All right, Peter, give.”

“Beg your pardon?” I asked innocently.

“Tell us what’s been going on! Five months ago you took off for outer space with Broxholm. Five minutes ago you showed up in a beam of blue light and told Duncan and me we had to help you save the world. I want to know what happened in between.”

“Me, too!” said Duncan.

Five months ago I wouldn’t have cared what Duncan Dougal thought. As far as I was concerned, he was the world’s biggest snotball, a kid whose main hobbies were drooling on his homework, farting in class, and beating me up. I thought he was as likable as a mosquito, as friendly as a rattlesnake, and as useful as a screen door in a spaceship.

But that was before I got a good look at the inside of his head—which was less frightening and more sad than I ever would have guessed.

“Well, since you asked . . .” I drawled.

“Peter,” snapped Susan, “for five months every kid in Kennituck Falls has been dying to know what happened to you after you went off with Broxholm. Stop stalling and tell the story, or you’re going to be very sorry!”

So I told them. But that wasn’t good enough. Oh, no. Now they insist I have to write it down. “We wrote about our part,” they keep saying. “Now it’s your turn.”

So here goes:

As you probably know, it all started when this alien named Broxholm wanted to kidnap five kids from our sixth grade class last spring. He started by trapping our real teacher, Ms. Schwartz, in a force field. He kept her in his attic while he disguised himself as a substitute teacher named Mr. Smith and took over our class.

One day Susan followed Mr. Smith home and saw him peel off his face. Underneath his human mask was a green-skinned, orange-eyed alien.

Susan came to me for help, mostly because she didn’t think anyone else would believe her. She thought I might because I used to read so much science fiction.

The two of us spent days trying to figure out how to stop Broxholm. One night I was sitting home alone, eating a can of cold beans and wondering where my father was, when it hit me that if we couldn’t stop Broxholm, if some kids had to go into space, I might as well be one of them. It wouldn’t be any worse than staying where I was. And it might be better.

I was frightened by the idea, of course. But I didn’t think the aliens were going to dissect my brain or anything like that. In fact, I figured I might learn as much from them as they did from me.

That was the key, I guess; I knew I could learn something. That was important to me, since learning is the one thing I really like. If that sounds strange, look at it like this: if other kids treated you like a nerd and a geek all the time, if you went for weeks feeling like books were your only friends—well, you might really be into learning, too.

Anyway, between being the school dumping ground for emotional toxic waste and having a father who didn’t give two bags of llama droppings whether I was alive or dead, I figured I didn’t have much to lose by going with Broxholm.

Besides, more than anything else in the world, I wanted to travel to the stars and explore other planets.

That’s why when Susan and the school band overpowered the alien on the night of our spring concert, I slipped around back to help him escape.

After I let Broxholm out, he turned and used something that looked like a pencil to melt the door shut.

Oh, oh, I thought. Now you’re in for it, Peter.

But then I thought, Well, wait a minute. If he has a weapon like that, he could have fried the whole crowd.

Since he hadn’t, I figured he wasn’t going to make me into sausage; at least, not right away.

So when he started to run, I began to run alongside him.

“What are you doing?” cried the alien.

“I want to come with you!”

I think Broxholm would have stopped running right then, if he had figured it was safe. It wasn’t, so he kept going. He was in good shape; I didn’t hear him pant or gasp for breath at all. (Of course, for all I knew, when people from his planet got tired it made their armpits ache.)

Three blocks from the school he stopped running.

Then he disappeared.

I felt like my heart had disappeared, too. Never mind that Broxholm was a lean, green kidnapper from outer space. He was going back to the stars, and I wanted to go with him.

“Broxholm!” I yelled. “Wait! Take me!”

“Be quiet while I adjust this!” snapped a voice beside me.

An instant later I disappeared, too. Which is to say, I became invisible because of something Broxholm did.

“Wow,” I whispered, looking down at where I used to be, “that’s awesome!”

“Shut up, or you stay here,” growled Broxholm.

I shut up. I may have saved his bacon back at the school, and I may have been the only one willing to go with him, but I figured if I got in the way of his escape, Broxholm would dump me faster than my mother had dumped my father when something better came along.

“Now, follow me,” whispered Broxholm.

“How? I can’t see you!”

After a moment of silence, I felt strong hands grab me by the waist. “Stay quiet!” hissed Broxholm as he tossed me over his shoulder. It reminded me of the first day I had met him, when he picked up Duncan and me to stop us from fighting.

He started to run. He was amazingly fast.

When we reached the little house where Broxholm had been living, he made us both visible again. Turning to me, he said, “I have some things to do before we can go. I also owe you a favor. Here it is: you have three minutes to change your mind. Otherwise, you’re coming with me.”

Before I could say a thing, he walked away—leaving me alone to make the biggest decision of my life.

Back at school that decision had been easy. Lying in my bed, in my empty house, I had known for sure what I would do. But this wasn’t just some wishing game anymore. It was real.

I thought about my father. Would he miss me? Probably. At least, for a little while. Then he’d probably be just as glad I was gone; one less nuisance for him to cope with.

I thought about school, where I spent most of my time trying not to get beat up by Duncan and other jerks who thought being smart was a crime.

My life would have been a lot different if it was okay to be smart in school. But it’s not. It’s okay to be pretty smart. But not real smart—which is kind of stupid when you think about it. I mean, all these guys picking on smart kids and calling them geeks and dweebs are going to grow up and want to know why they don’t do something about the terrible state the world is in.

I can tell you why. By the time they grow up, most of the kids who really could have changed things are wrecked.

I’ll bet you this very minute, even while you’re reading these words, some kid who’s bright enough to cure cancer when he or she grows up is getting hassled for being an “egghead.”

Any takers?

Anyway, I had plenty of reasons to run away. But that wasn’t what made up my mind. I didn’t just want to run away; I wanted to run to something. And that something was space.

I thought about my father again, and wondered if he had ever loved me.

I thought about the stars, and the secrets they held.

Broxholm walked into the kitchen, carrying a large wooden box and two flat pieces of plastic. I recognized the pieces of plastic: they were part of his communication system. Later I found out that the box was his dressing table, all folded up.

“Well?” he asked.

My hands were trembling like a pair of gerbils that had just been dropped into a snake pit. Some of that was terror; some of it was pure excitement. Looking straight into his huge orange eyes, I whispered, “I’m coming with you.”

Most helpful customer reviews

7 of 7 people found the following review helpful.
Coville takes the My Teacher series to a whole new level
By Daniel Jolley
My Teacher Glows in the Dark is the third book in Bruce Coville's My Teacher series. While these books are written primarily for a 4th-6th grade audience, I as an adult have had a lot of fun reading them. I especially love Coville's way of presenting each story in the series. The series revolves around three pretty normal kids on Earth - the smart and brave Susan Simmons, nerdy dreamer Peter Thompson, and bully turned nice guy with newly-acquired brain-fried intelligence Duncan Dougal. Susan narrated the first book in the series, My Teacher is an Alien, wherein she discovers that her new teacher is an alien and joins up with Peter to stop him from kidnapping five students. Duncan narrated the second book, My Teacher Fried My Brains, in which we see inside his unhappy life, come to understand why he lashes out at people the way he does, and admire his effort to turn over a new leaf in life with the help of an artificially-advanced intelligence. Now, in My Teacher Glows in the Dark, it is Peter's turn to tell a part of the story.
While this is book three of the series, it actually fills in the gap separating books one and two. Peter left with the alien Broxholm at the end of book one and showed up back on earth at the end of book two, and now we get to hear what he has been doing up in space over the course of the earth's summer. I found this to be the most enjoyable book of the series so far; instead of dealing with an alien among humans, we now have a human among aliens, and this makes for a decidedly entertaining read. We meet all kinds of aliens, learn a few things about a few of their cultures, and get to see all kinds of alien technology in use. In addition to this, the human side of the story takes on much more significance. As luck would have it, the Interplanetary Council is debating whether or not to destroy Earth, and Peter finds himself smack dab in the middle of trying to save the world he left behind. Peter's friendships with several aliens on board the ship are really quite touching, as is his passion for doing whatever he, a boy of about twelve, can do to save his home planet.
With the action taking place in space, there is a much stronger science fiction element to this book than its predecessors, leading me to believe that many a young reader would simply eat this book up. With new and increasingly unusual aliens waiting around every corner, futuristic machines doing amazing things all over the place, and Earth's future hanging precariously in the balance, My Teacher Glows in the Dark sets the stage for a most promising climax in the fourth and final book of the series, My Teacher Flunked the Planet.

1 of 1 people found the following review helpful.
If you like funny ones
By A Customer
The book I read is called My Teacher Glows in the Dark. It was a really good book. The book was about a boy named Peter. He went into space with an alien named Broxholm. Peter spent five months with Broxholm. Peter decided to go with Broxholm into space. Peter had a change of mind; he wanted to go back to earth but it was too late. Peter and his friends Susan and Duncan suspected something wierd about their teacher. They went to his house when they looked into the window and saw something wierd. Their teacher glows in the dark they couldn't believe what they were seeing. Peter's teacher dies in the ship and Peter and Broxholm can't help him to get better. If you what to see what happens at the end of the book, go to your nearest library and check it out. Remember My Teacher Glows in the Dark.

By Lance King

3 of 4 people found the following review helpful.
My Teacher Glows In The Dark
By A Customer
I think it was a awsome book.Its about a kid named peter.He meats a alien on earth and asks to come with him to a spaceship named New Jersy.He takes peter thire.He finds out that a alien council is going to blow up earth.To find out why the council wants to blow up earth you will have to read the book.

I liked this book because every chapter leaves you hanging.A lot of things hapen on New Jersey.He meats a lot of diffrent aliens.The book had very good descriptions of the aliens.Thats why I liked the book.

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