Rabu, 19 Agustus 2015

!! Ebook Quantum Questions: Mystical Writings of the World's Greatest PhysicistsFrom Shambhala Publications

Ebook Quantum Questions: Mystical Writings of the World's Greatest PhysicistsFrom Shambhala Publications

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Quantum Questions: Mystical Writings of the World's Greatest PhysicistsFrom Shambhala Publications

Quantum Questions: Mystical Writings of the World's Greatest PhysicistsFrom Shambhala Publications

Quantum Questions: Mystical Writings of the World's Greatest PhysicistsFrom Shambhala Publications

Ebook Quantum Questions: Mystical Writings of the World's Greatest PhysicistsFrom Shambhala Publications

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Quantum Questions: Mystical Writings of the World's Greatest PhysicistsFrom Shambhala Publications

Here is a collection of writings that bridges the gap between science and religion. Quantum Questions collects the mystical writings of each of the major physicists involved in the discovery of quantum physics and relativity, including Albert Einstein, Werner Heisenberg, and Max Planck. The selections are written in nontechnical language and will be of interest to scientists and nonscientists alike.

  • Sales Rank: #435742 in eBooks
  • Published on: 2011-07-29
  • Released on: 2011-07-29
  • Format: Kindle eBook

From the Inside Flap
Brings together for the 1st time the mystical writings of the world's great physicists - all of whom express a deep belief that physics and mysticism are somehow fraternal twins. Written in non-technical language.

About the Author

Ken Wilber is one of the most influential and widely read American philosophers of our time. His writing has been translated into more than 20 languages. Ken Wilber is the author of many books, including "The Spectrum of Consciousness; The Eye of Spirit; Grace and Grit; Sex, Ecology, Spirituality; A Brief History of Everything; Boomeritis;" and "The Marriage of Sense and Soul". Ken Wilber lives in Denver, Colorado.

Most helpful customer reviews

85 of 87 people found the following review helpful.
Written by Heisenberg, Schroedinger, Einstein, De Broglie,
By Artist
This is simply a fascinating collection of the words of many recognized masters of physics on the topic of the science of physics and how it relates (or doesn't) to religion and spirituality. There is a short introduction by Ken Wilber. If you value such information, here's your book.
I wrote this review because the book is worth 5 stars. The one person who criticized the book, and brought the rating down to 4 stars, seemed to be talking about some other book. The review made no sense. My take is that it was a rant against a perception rather than an experience of the book. There is nothing New Age about this book. And this is much less a book about Ken Wilber's views (which are not New Age anyway) and much more a book about the views of Eddington, Pauli, Planck, Jeans, etc. If you're curious about the spiritual views of these men, here's your opportunity. Enjoy!!!

35 of 35 people found the following review helpful.
The Greatest Physicists were Mystics, Militant Atheists Beware
By Allen B. Hundley
American philosopher Ken Wilber has done a great service by bringing together in a single volume excerpts from the mystical writings of the world's greatest physicists. Six of the eight men included were Nobel laureates including Einstein, Heisenberg, Schroedinger, Plank, de Broglie, and Pauli.

These are the intellectual giants who gave us the twin pillars of modern physics, relativity theory and quantum mechanics, upon which all of contemporary science rests. Given the popular view that they must have been atheists it is astonishing to learn that all of them were quite explicit in expressing the need for a mystical outlook extending beyond the physical world.

Let's be clear. Wilber as editor has not pulled a few paragraphs out of context. Erwin Schroedinger for example writes of "the mystic vision", De Broglie writes that "the mechanism demands a mysticism", and Wolfgang Pauli speaks of "embracing the rational and the mystical."

None of these men were particularly 'religious' however. The popular religions of today (Christianity, Judaism, Islam, Buddhism, etc.), may be viewed as specific theories of Ultimate Reality (this reviewer's characterization). They all make specific statements - some empirically testable, many others not - about people and events in the physical world and how these related to God, or Allah, or All That Is, or some similar term.

Mysticism on the other hand is not a religion but a path to understanding. It has nothing to do with religious creeds or doctrines, or whether or not there is a personal God, and certainly nothing to do with science which is something else entirely. Mystics simply believe on the basis of personal experience that there is likely to exist another level or levels of consciousness beyond that of the five senses. Through rigorous mental practice they believe that it is possible to access wisdom and insight from that level which represents the highest or ultimate reality.

Individual mystics may personally identify with one religion or another but the practice of mysticism as a path is found in all the major religions and is, in and of itself, areligious. This point is unfortunately muddied in Wilber's otherwise quite interesting introduction where he equates religion with spirituality (p.18), something most thoughtful people would probably strongly reject. One can be deeply spiritual without committing to any specific set of religious doctrines.

Finally, I feel compelled comment on Wilber's assertion that the physicists would reject so called New Age books like "The Tao of Physics" and "The Dancing Wu Li Masters". The key argument of such books is less that physics "proves" Taoism or Buddhism or some other form of Eastern esoteric thought but rather that seemingly bizarre and unbelievable statements about the nature of space and time and reality made by practitioners of these traditions appear to be supported by the findings of modern physics. (Cf. for example G. Zukav, "Wu Li Masters", p. 256 and especially p. 331).

For the last hundred years or so science and religion have declared a truce in their war for the allegiance of the mind of Man. Science would to stick to matters of the physical world while religion would stick to matters of the world beyond the senses. However as much as both sides, including Ken Wilber, would like to keep it that way, the march of scientific knowledge takes us ever forward toward a world view that challenges our most basic assumptions about the nature of human reality.

I am speaking here specifically of entanglement, the now widely accepted principle in physics that particles really do influence each other without regard to distance or time, that is, they interact instantaneously even if they are separated by billions of light years. This was scientifically demonstrated in 1982, the year before Quantum Questions was originally released, and has been confirmed repeatedly since then. Even more disconcerting are recent experiments which seem to imply that actions in the present (as we perceive it) can actually alter events that have already been recorded in the past. (Cf. Amir D. Aczel, "Entanglement: The Greatest Mystery in Physics", 2003).

However troubling such findings may be to our everyday conception of 'reality', they merely confirm Max Plank's famous statement that "those who are not shocked when they first come across quantum theory cannot possibly have understood it."

The shocks keep coming and they are getting stronger whether we like it or not. Will they lead to a total paradigm shift in our conception of reality?

The deeper significance of this book is that it shows all scientists and those who someday will be scientists that being a mystic is okay. Want to argue with Heisenberg and Plank and Einstein and Schroedinger and....?

42 of 48 people found the following review helpful.
Physics PhD finds Wilber persuasive
By A Customer
Wilber selects telling comments, in their own words, from
some of the key big names of modern physics. Well edited
and insightfully commented, Wilber presents a strong case
that these physicists were indeed not philosophical
materialists, and some were outright mystical.

Thomas Brophy, PhD (physics)

See all 30 customer reviews...

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!! Ebook Quantum Questions: Mystical Writings of the World's Greatest PhysicistsFrom Shambhala Publications Doc

!! Ebook Quantum Questions: Mystical Writings of the World's Greatest PhysicistsFrom Shambhala Publications Doc
!! Ebook Quantum Questions: Mystical Writings of the World's Greatest PhysicistsFrom Shambhala Publications Doc

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