Minggu, 14 Februari 2016

^ Ebook Three , by Finney, by Jack Finney

Ebook Three , by Finney, by Jack Finney

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Three , by Finney, by Jack Finney

Three , by Finney, by Jack Finney

Three , by Finney, by Jack Finney

Ebook Three , by Finney, by Jack Finney

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Three , by Finney, by Jack Finney

This handsome new book combines three Finney favorites in an omnibus edition that brilliantly displays his bold and unmistakable imagination. Certain to delight anyone with a penchant for penetrating imaginary realms of science fiction, fantasy, and adventure.

  • Sales Rank: #359177 in eBooks
  • Published on: 2013-11-12
  • Released on: 2013-11-12
  • Format: Kindle eBook

About the Author
Jack Finney (1911–1995) was the author of the much-loved and critically acclaimed novel Time and Again, as well as its sequel, From Time to Time. Best known for his thrillers and science fiction, a number of his books—including Invasion of the Body Snatchers—have been made into movies.

Most helpful customer reviews

91 of 93 people found the following review helpful.
Don't Miss A Finney Book!
By Joseph L Burke
Jack Finney is probably best known for his story "The Body Snatchers" which was made into a movie and for his time travel adventure "Time And Again" which acquired a cult following. But, as we can see in "Three By Finney" it is his unique imagination that gives all of his stories a glow and a charm all their own. Proof of his gift is that his books have become movies. One of the three stories in this book, "Marion's Wall" was made into a movie called "Roxie" that starred actress Glenn Close in the title role. Roxie ("Marion" in the book) is a flapper whose movie career (in the early days of Hollywood) was aborted by a car accident. Roxie returns as a ghost to take up where she left off and causes all kinds of fun and confusion. A second story is about time-travel again; "The Woodrow Wilson Dime" is a tale of a man venturing back and forth in time and you'll love the varying versions of his life that are caused by his travels in time. The last of the three stories is a fanciful account of the adventures of two married couples who take to the streets of San Francisco at night to do all kinds of mischief. This story is so bizarre, funny, and wild that only Finney could have thought of it. Amazon lists a number of books by Jack Finney and every one of them is a good read; naturally some are better than others. When you are a person who reads a lot, as I am, and you find an author as gifted and interesting as Finney, you get the feeling a prospector must have when he discovers a big pocket of gold. Some authors - like the two people who wrote (separately) "To Kill A Mockingbird" and "The Sand Pebbles" - only wrote one book. While you love those books, you are forever disappointed that the authors never wrote more. But an author like Finney, who left us with a number of well-written, imaginative stories, is a mother-lode for those new readers who have not yet discovered him.

17 of 19 people found the following review helpful.
A sweet, funny fantasy.
By A Customer
I've only read the first of the three stories -- THE WOODROW WILSON DIME -- but I loved it. Certainly if you liked TIME AND AGAIN, you'll love this. A loser discovers an alternate reality where all his dreams have come true. Like an old TWILIGHT ZONE episode, it takes one fantasy element and runs with it. Very funny; very sweet. A real bit of wish fulfillment.

16 of 18 people found the following review helpful.
inconsistent quality
By audrey frances
I've read several other Jack Finney novels. I think he has a wonderful imagination and terrific style, and I particularly like his dialogue -- witty and natural-sounding.
I thought these three stories were of mixed quality: The Woodrow Wilson Dime and Marion's Wall were excellent. The Woodrow Wilson dime is particularly good, examining the many outcomes possible from simple actions. But I thought Finney was slightly less successful with The Night People. His characters were likeable, but ultimately their actions were not believable.
That said, though, I would re-emphasize that Finney is a fine writer, and even the weakest novel here is better than many other novelists' work. And the two stronger novels are highly entertaining. And what a bargain -- three Finney works in one volume!

See all 19 customer reviews...

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