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~~ PDF Download Midnight Lunch: The 4 Phases of Team Collaboration Success from Thomas Edison's Lab, by Sarah Miller Caldicott

PDF Download Midnight Lunch: The 4 Phases of Team Collaboration Success from Thomas Edison's Lab, by Sarah Miller Caldicott

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Midnight Lunch: The 4 Phases of Team Collaboration Success from Thomas Edison's Lab, by Sarah Miller Caldicott

Midnight Lunch: The 4 Phases of Team Collaboration Success from Thomas Edison's Lab, by Sarah Miller Caldicott

Midnight Lunch: The 4 Phases of Team Collaboration Success from Thomas Edison's Lab, by Sarah Miller Caldicott

PDF Download Midnight Lunch: The 4 Phases of Team Collaboration Success from Thomas Edison's Lab, by Sarah Miller Caldicott

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Midnight Lunch: The 4 Phases of Team Collaboration Success from Thomas Edison's Lab, by Sarah Miller Caldicott

How Thomas Edison's system for collaboration can benefit any team

Thomas Edison created multi-billion dollar industries that still exist today. What many people don't realize is that his innovations were generated through focused approaches to teamwork and collaboration. Authored by the great grandniece of Thomas Edison, Midnight Lunch provides an intriguing look at how to use Edison's collaboration methods to strengthen live and virtual teams today. Edison's four phases of collaboration success offer a simple yet powerful way to see how different combinations of live and digital resources can multiply results and deliver outstanding ROI now.

  • Shows how to draw together individuals from diverse disciplines, ensuring multiple perspectives and rapid problem-solving
  • Explains how to mix specialists and generalists on the same team, preventing groupthink and discouraging a culture of "superstars"
  • Reveals the steps needed to reskill team members for collaboration in the digital era

Team members from any field can take Midnight Lunch to their project meetings, engage instantly, identify action steps based on the book, and generate high-impact results.

  • Sales Rank: #968909 in eBooks
  • Published on: 2012-11-28
  • Released on: 2012-11-28
  • Format: Kindle eBook

From the Inside Flap

Thomas Edison created multibillion-dollar industries that still exist today. What many people don't realize is that his innovations weregenerated through the power of collaboration. Edison's collaborative approach propelled him to generate a record-breaking 1,093 US patents and 1,293 international patents over 62 consecutive years. Authored by Edison's great-grandniece, Midnight Lunch provides an intriguing look at how you can use Edison's collaboration methods to strengthen face-to-face and virtual teams today.

Leaders need to know how to design teams for maximum innovation impact, "rewire" their organizational culture to create growth, and hire collaborative employees that will thrive in an innovation-driven enviroment.Midnight Lunch outlines Edison's four phases of collaboration success, and demonstrates how different combinations of live and digital resources can deliver outstanding ROI.

Through action steps that yield high-impact results, Midnight Lunch shows how to:

  • Build a team from diverse disciplines, ensuring multiple perspectives, rapid problem-solving, and a foundation for collaboration to thrive

  • Mix specialists and generalists on the same team, preventing groupthink and discouraging a culture of "superstars"

  • Encourage dialogue and experimentation

  • Craft physical space that supportstrue collaboration

  • Focus your team's attention on progress and small wins

  • Reskill team members for collaboration success in the digital era

  • Footprint your team's work, generating collective intelligence others can follow

In the coming decade, organizationsmust make true collaboration a priority ifthey want to remain nimble in the face of constantly shifting economic forces. Midnight Lunch brings Edison's legacy into the twenty-first century, offering us an imperative to embrace our collaborative spirit and achieve astonishing results.

From the Back Cover

Praise for Midnight Lunch

"Caldicott powerfully updates Edison's collaboration process for use by organizations operating in today's hyper-competitive global economy. If you're looking for a way to accelerate growth through innovation, this book offers deep insights on why collaboration is the 'superskill' that will drive success."
—Verne Harnish, CEO, Gazelles; coauthor of The Greatest Business Decisions of All Time

"Sarah has added an indispensable contribution to the success formula for business. Midnight Lunch magnifies one of Thomas Edison's most treasured traits—collaboration. This incredible piece of work provides insightful, yet practical guidance for all who desire to innovate their way to success."
—D. Keith Pigues, coauthor of Winning with Customers: A Playbook for B2B ;Dean, North Carolina Central University School of Business

"Innovation is not about individual heroes with a vision, it is about collaboration. Edisonunderstood this well, and Caldicott is a skilled guide to how he really got so much done.Applying Edison's four phases of collaboration will bring new power to your team efforts."
—Chris Trimble, coauthor of Reverse Innovation and The Other Side of Innovation

"Organizations today often fail to engage collaboration as a crucial part of their innovationprocess. Caldicott reminds us that Edison's world-changing success stemmed in largemeasure from his collaborative culture. Midnight Lunch updates Edison's approach for the twenty-first century, offering a practical guide for developing nimble collaborations."
—Vijay Govindarajan, Earl C. Daum Professor of International Business,Tuck School of Business at Dartmouth College; coauthor of Reverse Innovation

"As in her earlier work, Sarah digs deep into her kinsman Thomas Edison's actual practices. We hear so much talk about 'innovation.' Well, here was the ultimate innovator, straddling fields and decades in his prodigious output. How did it really happen? Edison saw it as a team game. Sarah tells us how it was played."
—Nigel Cameron, President, Center for Policy on Emerging Technologies

"Midnight Lunch inspires action to orchestrate and groom multidisciplinary rock bands in an organization, not just individual rock stars, creating extraordinary results."
—Manish Tangri, Associate Director, New Business, Intel Corporation

"In an evermore complex and rapidly changing digital world, Caldicott effectively demonstrates the importance of collaboration as a crucial 'superskill' necessary for rapid innovation today. Read Midnight Lunch. Engage your people. Build collaborative networks. And innovate!"
—Maria Thompson, Director of Innovation Strategy, Motorola Solutions

About the Author

SARAH MILLER CALDICOTT is a great-grandniece of Thomas Edison, and a seasoned executive with years of hands-onexperience driving growth in new and existingbusinesses. Coauthor of Innovate Like Edison, a groundbreaking book on Thomas Edison's innovation best practices, Sarah inspires audiences around the world through her keynote speeches and executive programs on how to integrate Edison's Five Competencies of Innovation in organizations today. Sarah also advises leaders on how they can use Edison's time-tested methods to create a culture of innovation, as well as accelerate the development of individual and team capabilities that propel collaboration success.

Most helpful customer reviews

6 of 6 people found the following review helpful.
Midnight at the Innovation Oasis
By Mr. P. Cook
Midnight Lunch offers a comprehensive guide to collaboration using fundamental research from the way in which Thomas Edison ran his laboratories. The author, Sarah Miller Caldicott, has unique access to Edison's approach through her connections as a family member.

The myth of the lone inventor is exposed in this book. Like much modern invention and innovation, it's a team game and Edison's principles are widely transferable to a modern context where much innovation is cross-disciplinary, requiring the collaborative efforts of many experts over time.

The 4 C's of collaboration form a backbone through Midnight Lunch: Capacity; Context; Coherence and; Complexity.

Capacity: How do we create the basic components for true collaboration to flourish? This includes the capacity to improvise at the highest levels such that innovation does not ossify and that organisational renewal can take place.

Context: How can our collaboration team reframe the problem at hand, driving the greatest range of creativity and new, breakthrough solutions? Changing the context is a core skill of innovation leaders, using curiosity to shift minds and creating compelling goals that others can engage with.

Coherence: Can the collaboration team stay the course and continue forward despite disagreements? Edison understood the value of conflict, saying "I believe in criticism because it brings out the cold facts about a thing and promotes discussion, which is always beneficial". This is an enlightened view on conflict, which many organisations would do well to learn.

Complexity: How can our collaboration team navigate internal and external networked resources nimbly, and with speed? This offers some ways of addressing disruptive innovation, which may have saved Kodak and Research in Motion from virtual extinction.

Caldicott stands on the shoulders of giants such as Peter Senge and Malcolm Gladwell in the writing of Midnight Lunch. The book is extremely well researched. As well as a sound academic basis, Caldicott offers a number of practical collaboration tools. Midnight Lunch will find readers with interests in leadership, creative problem-solving, team design and innovation. Midnight Lunch helps you innovate through collaboration 24/7/365 through adaptation of timeless ideas from Thomas Edison

Peter Cook, MD Human Dynamics and The Academy of Rock, Creativity and Innovation Author

4 of 4 people found the following review helpful.
There has been much said, and written, of late about the very nature of work and how it needs to evolve from the industrial to the internet age. Words like re-invention, non-hierarchical, collaboration etc.. are frequently used as if these concepts were both new and revolutionary.

In fact nothing could be further from the truth. In Sarah Miller Caldicott's seminal work ..."Midnight Lunch" she deeply examines the huge importance of collaboration efforts undertaken by her fore bearer Thomas Alva Edison. Through what Caldicott describes as Edison's four phases of collaboration - Capacity, Context, Coherence, and Complexity - he gave birth to what is now being put forward as the holy grail of 21st century corporate endeavour.

From a personal and professional perspective I can attest that to attract the best employees, workplaces need to be more collaborative, supporting the ways we want teams to connect. Of course the drive is innovative technology - most clearly manifest in the internet - but also of how we define progress, meaning, and purpose in our work. Making connections, either formally via company facilitation or informally via social (business) media means the world at all levels is becoming increasingly interconnected. That is only encouraging the formation of more and more relationships and the sharing of knowledge. As Caldicott describes in Midnight Lunch, collaboration at its core is about creating knowledge assets, deepening the bonds between colleagues, and creating collective intelligence that puts knowledge not in the hands of the few, but the many.

Edison would have embraced these powerful tools of the internet age without hesitation. For example, Caldicott offers several illustrations in the Complexity phase about ways to use virtual technologies and social media to rapidly slice through time barriers. To an extent Edison's work enabled those that followed to develop and bring to fruition ideas that we can now see were many decades ahead of conventional thinking.

Midnight Lunch is a working blue-print of all that needs to be understood about team collaboration. How to foster it. How to harness it. And how to make shoulder-to-shoulder leadership a principal empowering all purposeful organisations.

A dry academic book it is not. It is alive with the same passion and purpose that Edison showed throughout his illustrious career. I recommend you read it with those same emotions fully experienced.Midnight Lunch: The 4 Phases of Team Collaboration Success from Thomas Edison's Lab

3 of 3 people found the following review helpful.
Practical advice from a master of innovation
By Andrew C. Marshall
I knew picking up this book that the author, Sarah Caldicott, is the grand niece of Thomas Edison so I fully expected a love letter of sorts. What I found appealing was the immediate and direct application of Edison's practices to current day collaborative innovation efforts. Caldicott is passionate about her distant relative because she believes wholly in the great potential inherent in the successful collaboration he practiced:

"Edison's dedication to collaboration crystallizes what we are capable of at our best. His astonishing contributions inspire us to achieve more, to embrace more, to explore the richness of our mental capacities. Edison's achievements consistently defied the boundaries of what the scientific community believed was possible-- indeed, what was believed to be humanly possible."

Midnight Lunch is focused on collaboration and on grounding Thoman Edison's belief that collaboration is a key ingredient in successful innovation. Edison's collaboration methods are relevant to strengthening live and virtual teams today and the title referes to one such practice--late night gatherings of team members at Edison's workshop and laboratory in Menlo Park, New Jersey--leading to collaborative sessions that served as the genesis of inventions and innovations that have become famous the world over and resulted in 1,093 US patents.

Edison did indeed touch millions of people through his inventions--inventions he acknowledges he would not have gotten credit for had it not been for the hard work of his laboratory teams. This book directly tackles the knock on Edison's reputation that he was self-aggrandizing. Caldicott places him firmly in the context of a whole network of divergent players who, through their collaborative efforts and his guidance and urging, were able to be hugely productive and largely successful.

In this light Edison offers Caldicott a blueprint for the presentation of a framework for achieving such high-performing collaboration. That method has four phases, which make up the four primary sections of the book:

Phase 1: Capacity--Select small, diverse teams of two to eight people who will thrive in an environment of discovery learning and collegiality.

Phase 2: Context--Focus the outlook of the team toward development of new context that broadly frames the problem or challenge under consideration. Use a combination of individual learning plus hands-on activities to drive perspectives for potential solutions.

Phase 3: Coherence--Maintain collaboration momentum, creating frameworks for progress through inspiration and inspirational leadership even though disagreements may exist. Newly discover, or reemphasize, the shared purpose that binds the team together.

Phase 4: Complexity--Equip and reskill teams to implement new ideas or new solutions using internally and externally networked resources, rapidly accessing or managing complex data streams the team must navigate. Leave a footprint that contributes to a broader collective intelligence.

In outlining this approach, Caldicott is also very clear about the fact that these are skills for a new economy:

"In a global business environment that increasingly values speed and nimble thinking to deliver breakthroughs, true collaboration now represents a superskill that will be fundamental for you and a high percentage of the individuals in your organization to possess. Less visible, and traditionally less valued, skills that marry the talents of the individual with interlocking webs of capability, such as data synthesis, leading and inspiring others, perceiving and communicating progress, and facilitating debate, will surge to the fore."

As if to recognize the necessity of those newly ascendent skills, Midnight Lunch also leaves room for the notion that collaboration will also need to evolve in order to meet the unseen needs of the future. For those interested in collaboration and innovation and how to grow the skills of your organization in order to realize a more innovation-capable culture, I commend this book to you.

See all 16 customer reviews...

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